
      10 Comments on Others

Now that we are a little past the midway point in the April A-to-Z Challenge, I’d like to take a moment to highlight some of the other bloggers who are participating in this project along with me.

Posting for the A-to-Z is a bit of an intense schedule – especially for those who are also maintaining other blogs/projects on the reg in addition to their alphabetical explorations – so if you’re looking for something new to read, I’d encourage you pick a post or two from the list below and give these bloggers a mid-marathon boost. 🙂

{Bloggers names are linked to posts.}

A is for April — Which is the name of the month in which the A-to-Z Challenge is being held as well as the name of Submissy’s character who is keeping a journal of her submissive training school experiences.

B is for Boy — And for bombshell… Which is what Cara drops near the end of her reinterpreted fairy tale. Read it. You’ll see what I mean.

C is for Consistency — We all have different interpretations of what ‘consistency’ means, I think. And some of us, as His Lordship UK points out, are consistently inconsistent.

D is for Dating — I’ve pretty much never done it, and given the very confusing ‘rules’ that The Barefoot Sub seems to have learned go along with it, that’s probably a Good Thing.

E is for Effort — All relationships require it, and – as Sweet has learned – sometimes the effort put in to changing an existing relationship leads to all kinds of new (and improved) efforts.

G is for GiftsCharlie Powell’s Caroline makes them home-made. With a little something ‘extra’. 😉

H is for Heart — Mine squeezed a little bit for Jade when I saw her photos last Thursday.

I is for Identity — We all struggle at times with our own, I think. And with how other people interpret that identity. I really appreciated T.C. Austin’s post about Agender as an identity, and how that plays out for different people.

J is for Jz, whose post about Gaudi (watch the video!) was an enlightening insight as to what her perfect world would encompass.

K is for Kiara, which is the name of one of Marquessa Matthews’ characters in her month-long serial. And Kiara is in for a surprise…

L is for LearningMPB Julie is using this month to review some of the things she’s learned on her submissive journey over the past several years, and I found her discoveries around how she perceives and responds to humiliation to be particularly interesting.

M is for MistressScandarella is definitely the Master Mistress of erotic fiction, and her tale about a Mistress and her plaything is a “Yes, Ma’am” perfect example of why.

I will save N-Z for a later date. 🙂

If you are blogging in the A-to-Z Challenge and I have not included one of your posts, please know that I am doing my very best to follow along with everyone who is adult-content friendly and that I will put more links up later this month.

If you are participating and I haven’t found you yet, please place a link in the comments so I’ll know where to go.

And if you are a reader looking for a more comprehensive list of participants (there are over 650 this year!), please see the google docs master list, here.

Thanks for being here, and happy reading!

10 thoughts on “Others

  1. Ella

    Eeep, I’m in ya post, Feve! Thankies for including me, I’m chuffed 😊 Your challenge pieces have all been so different (from each other and other folks’ offerings), there’s been something for everyone.x

  2. Jz

    Thank you for allowing me to be in the company of Others!
    (That would have never happened with socks, it’s true…)

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      It’s completely understandable! Honestly the only way I manage it is to work ahead. I do the same thing for FebPhotoFest. Otherwise – especially with the kind of work schedule I keep – I’d never manage it!


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