^My Moustache^
~ in support of Men’s Health issues ~
(which they often need some help detecting…)
[the classic mystery readers among you will understand just how brilliant that bit was… or, y’know, at least be groaning about how punny I am 😛 ]
What is MO-vember?
MO-vember is, in my experience, a rather poorly-understood moustache-growing phenomenon that takes place in the month of November. Some men think that by not shaving their facial fuzz during the 11th month, they are supporting breast cancer awareness (that’s the month of October where I live, and has nothing to do with refusing to remove one’s facial hair) or the need for prostate exams (which is partially correct); others just do it because All The Other Brothers are doing it and it *must* have something to do with damning The Man; a few seem to think that it’s about channeling one’s inner Grizzly Adams and/or preparing for bearing winter hibernation.
In point of fact: MO-vember (a play on the combining of words — ‘moustache’ and ‘November’) is a whole… movement… and it is about raising awareness of Men’s Health issues. Specifically:
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
- Mental Health, and
- Suicide
Globally, men live shorter lives than women. There are myriad reasons for this, but the bottom line is: This statistic is changeable.
And that’s what the Movember movement is about.
So this is just me — sporting my best Hercule Poirot moustache — saying:
Pay attention to your minds and bodies, gentlemen.
And seek care – mental, emotional, physical – when before you need it.
Prevention is key.
(And for approximately one month a year, moustaches grown to support this concept are sexy!)
This post is part of my Holiday CELEBRATIONS posting challenge (click the bolded words or the badge for more information), in appreciation of all the efforts bloggers in this community make toward promoting health – physical, sexual, psychological, and otherwise – and with special thanks (today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. — ‘thanks’ seems more than appropriate, does it not?) for those who take the time to tell their stories in ways that can help others.
If you’d like to read a bit about my own take regarding my partners’ experiences with prostate health, see here.
And for those who may fear addressing their prostate issues because they don’t want to lose out on sexual intimacy (this “I fear so therefore I avoid” thing is A Thing… it’s not a thing that makes a lot of sense, because ignoring a problem is NOT going to make it go away… but it is A Thing nonetheless), I’d strongly urge you to read this post, written by Nora at A Loving D/s Life. Because life — and SEX — does go on. Even after prostate problems. Sometimes in quite unexpected ways. 😉
Thanks for the mention, Ms F. I was happy to read another post in support of ‘the cause’. I also followed and read with great interest, your links to the prostate experiences of the fellas in your life. I’ve enjoyed observing this year, and in doing so have noted several crazy assed moustaches and the occasional fluff that shouldn’t be sitting on top of anyone’s lip. It all makes me grin a little and I hope similar visual experiences remind others … ‘ah yes, that’s because it’s M/November’ … nj … xx
Last year I saw one guy with full-on mutton chops! And this year I saw everything from peach fuzz to Santa beards. 🙂
What a great message for everyone. Thanks for sharing this. Happy Thanksgiving!
Men’s health issues need a little light shined on them, I think. I try to do it in a brighten-your-day way. 🙂
Thanks for reading, and happy Thanksgiving!
As Monsieur Poirot would say: You really put your gray cells to work on this post — ” AMAI ” !
PS: ” Me hoovercraft zit vull mè poaling’n ” .
Wait… You drive a hovercraft?! 😛
To be honest I seldom grow facial hair for Movember. I have done it and my Queen and I discuss it each year. However regardless of taking part myself, I support others in their efforts. Btw, I loved your “moustache”!
Fighting cancer is something I do as part of my life. I run a Terry Fox event each year. I give multiple talks (speeches) each year trying to educate and inspire people to participate and make donations. This does tend to run throughout my whole year despite culminating in the actual event in September. Stay well my friend.
Collaredmichael recently posted…Inspired by Steeled Snake and Charmer part 2
My spouse looks terrible in facial hair. It is bristly and scraggly and uncomfortable on his skin and honestly, just NOT attractive. *laugh*
So even though he’s been personally affected by some of the things that the movement stands for: no MO-vember for him! 😉
I love that cancer education and fundraising is an “always” thing for you. While it’s great that there are months that highlight certain health issues (October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, for instance), true awareness needs to happen all the time — it’s not about a calendar date.