…and the darkness shall not overcome it…
I am not one for New Year’s Resolutions; when I determine a change needs to be made, I make it. It’s not about a calendar date. Nor is it about writing out lists or checking off tasks. Change – true change, the kind that is ongoing and difficult, the kind that requires willpower and sweated effort – is not about temporary, date-based goal-setting. True change requires more than an idea, and goes beyond motivation. It thrives in fire. Because it’s about actualizing intention.
What you can’t see in the photo above is what’s beyond the periphery.
This was taken on a gray-sky day, the atmosphere so dark as to imitate dusk. Night in the middle of the day.
But regardless of the roiling storm clouds around the edges, stretching as far as the eye could see…
No matter the detritus of wire-crossed littered streets bustling below…
Regardless of the surroundings…
Here, a fiery light burned pink-orange bright through the threatening storm.
And it’s on that light – both physically and metaphorically – that I intentionally choose to focus.
My wish for you in 2020 – no matter how you resolve (or don’t) to change or evolve, in all aspects of your life – is that —
no matter what dark storms threaten on the periphery of your life
— you will see the light shining through the darkness.
And if your vision is obscured…
If you can’t see the light?
Find your fire within.
BE the light that you want to see.
{inspired by Patrick Jennings’ Pic and a Word Challenge: Illusions}
Great advice!! All the best this new year!
Collaredmichael recently posted…Slowly We Return to Normal
“BE the light that you want to see.”
Brilliant advice!
Rebel xox
Nicely said, Feve .
Happy New Year, my friend.
Now, this :
De-evolution is pretty much where we’re at in a lot of ways; that’s a fascinating video.
Happy New Year!
As someone who had a former work role where I was responsible for managing the implementation of ‘change’ … I can say from experience, change is a tricky business … and what it means, how it’s interpreted and the happening of it, invokes a myriad of responses in humankind … but I do love change myself and can’t wait to see what light shines in my 2020 sky … nj … xx
nora recently posted…A rule isn’t a rule unless …
We – humans – are much better at accepting change when it is ourselves, as individuals, who are the ones engineering it.
‘Change’ when self-initiated is difficult enough; as implemented from on high, it is never accepted easily. We rail against change because of its unfamiliarity, even when change is for our benefit. (Which is why people end up staying for years in dead-end jobs, dying communities, and abusive relationships. It might not be good, but it’s FAMILIAR, and there is comfort in that, sometimes to an unhealthy degree.)
I don’t know what 2020 will bring, but I hope it is full of bright skies for you and yours. 🙂