Saturday Night Fever: Hangry Like The Wolf

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orange ankle socks that say HANGRY and have a picture of a cartoon wolf on them, holding a knife and fork

(to borrow bastardize a lyric from Duran Duran)

So apparently I get a lil… grumpy… when I need to be fed. HANGRY, in fact.

Said fact being one that somebody felt necessary to highlight recently, when he gifted me these socks for Christmas. πŸ˜›

(For those of you who can’t read upside-down, the socks say HANGRY in all caps above the toe seam and have a picture of a cartoon-ish wolf on them, holding a knife and fork.) (At least I *think* it’s a wolf. It could well be the spawn from one of the Wild Things of Maurice Sendak’s imagination.) (Wild Thing… You make my heart sing…)


Getting off track.


So I got these little orange socks as a Christmas gift.

And then I gifted myself a fluffy orange sweater in January. (From the same online shop where I found my comfy dress and my sassy boots.) And I thought… “Wow! They match!”



woman seated with elbow on knee and hand on chin, wearing orange sweater and HANGRY socks


(getting a little arty now)

woman seated with bare legs drawn up, wearing orange sweater and HANGRY ankle socks
I especially like the way the wolfish grin looks so… tooth-flashy… in this one.

And y’know…

I didn’t buy the sweater purposely to match the socks. (Not that I wouldn’t do that; I have been known to buy a pair of colorful shoes and then afterward have to go looking for clothes that match them. Lol.) I got the sweater to go with a dress. (It doesn’t really go with the dress though; it’s too bright. This is the problem with purchasing things online. You can’t see what things actually look like until you’re stuck with them.) But hey — I will take my matchy-matchy where I find it!

And I will also take that sandwich you just made, thankyouverymuch.

Because, BEWARE: The girl is HANGRY!


for Patrick Jennings’ Pic and a Word Challenge: Vibrance

(as in: vibrance of color)

(hello, ORANGE)


Saturday Night Fever is my weekly personal posting project for 2021, designed with ‘warming up my readers’ in mind. πŸ™‚ Click the badge to see what it’s about or see here for all SNF posts to date, and feel free to join me here on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a little Feverish. πŸ˜‰

13 thoughts on “Saturday Night Fever: Hangry Like The Wolf

  1. fondles

    I’m the total opposite of you. Hunger doesn’t affect me. In fact, BIKSS *has* said the words to me “but you’re used to being hungry”. tsk.

    Orange is in this year. So hurray. Those socks ARE cute tho. and i love the sweater. Again, there is weather envy over here. We’re leaving the cool nights behind now, and things are set to heat up. Gah.
    fondles recently posted…My CNY Table and The Fashion EditionMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I love my warm fuzzies during the cool months, so I understand the envy — I’m a little ‘over’ the cold though; my hubby and I are planning to move (not immediately, but hopefully soon) to warmer climes.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      It’s not a conscious thing for me — often I don’t even realize I’m hungry. But then someone will say, “I think we need to feed you…” and once I’ve had some food, my disposition is mightily improved. *laugh*

  2. Marie Rebelle

    Love your images, Feve. Funny enough, I only came across the term ‘hangry’ for the first time a couple of days ago. It made me realize I don’t get hangry πŸ˜‰
    ~ Marie

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      There is also ‘horngry’ — which is what some people feel when they are hangry for sexy time. *laugh* I’ve seen Steeled Snake use that term; Charmer, on the other hand, gets hangry like me. πŸ˜›

  3. Patrick

    <smile> It was not long into a long-term relationship in our early 20s that she learned to carry small snacks with her. Partly, I think, because I quickly realized what was going on and learned to *first* respond to the anger as calmly and compassionately as possible, and only then mention that I was hungry and needed something to eat. Not that I got this right all the time… or even very often. Perhaps, just enough.

    I also learned to never take the last sip of a drink, and to always accept an offer of peppermint gum. Failure in the former lead to plain old *angry*. Failure in the latter and I was told, “you won’t be kissed until you tame that stable of smells in your mouth.”

    Patrick recently posted…Light ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #267My Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I remember, when I first got together with my husband, he would randomly ask, “Do you want something to eat?” And then once we DID eat, I would be in a good mood.

      I admit that I’m not always great at recognizing my own short-tempered-ness though, nor do I always recognize that lack of food is the reason for it; it really is a mood-shifter, however, and I recognize THAT. I’ve learned to say “Sorry I was grumpy” and “I feel better now that I’ve eaten” when I have a little ‘episode’. Little words of acknowledgment go a long way. πŸ™‚


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