Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy
Makes your eyes light up
Your tummy say, “Howdy!”
How ’bout THEM appples?
My apple harvest is a.ma.zing this year — my husband has picked more than 100 apples off our two trees so far and I suspect there are more coming.
At this point, along with baking my first apple spice loaf of the season, I have given some four dozen or more away and have been trying to be creative in using what’s left. Today (‘today’ not being today, today but rather ‘the day of this writing’) I made crock pot apple stuffing — which is just like regular stuffing only with apples in it — and I tried out a recipe I found online for Apple Pan Dowdy.
That picture up above? That’s pan dowdy!
And it’s super easy to make.
So for those of you who are into food: This is what Dinah Shore was singing about!
(recipe modified from this Bon Apetit delight)
- 2 frozen pie crusts, thawed and rolled flat
- 8 medium apples, peeled and sliced
- 8 tbsp (1 stick) butter, melted
- 2/3 cup brown sugar
- 3 tbsp flour
- 2 tbsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1/2 of a medium sized lemon
- a few pinches of granulated sugar
Directions: Put sliced apples in a large bowl and add brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, and vanilla. Cut lemon in half. Zest the skin into the mixture then squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix it all together then pour out into your pan{s}. Drizzle 6 tbsp of melted butter over the apple mixture while in the pan, then remove edges of thawed pie crust, slice with a pizza cutter, and place pieces willy-nilly over the top. Brush the top of the pastry with remaining melted butter. Sprinkle granulated sugar over the top of the crust pieces then bake.
Bake for 35 minutes at 425F, then reduce heat to 350F for another 30 minutes.
When you remove the pan dowdy from the oven, use a spoon over the top of the crust to press down and flatten. Get the edges of the crust pieces level with the juicy insides but do not saturate crust.
Let cool for approximately one hour then serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Say, “YUM!”
Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy
I never get enough of that wonderful stuff
This post is part of my September Song Project and was inspired by what was probably the best song about baked goods ever written. 😉
I’m also linking this to J Lynn’s Musically Ranting meme, as she has offered September as a month to catch up on her previous prompts, one of which was Music of the 1940s, which was when Dinah Shore made a hit out of the song written by Danny Gallop and Guy Wood.
For more information on either of these projects, or to join in yourself, click one of the badges above.
…and now I only have five dozen apples remaining…
Sounds yummy ! I love those old fashioned recipes.
The house of my childhood had a Delicious apple tree planted by my dad, that eventually produced LOTS of apples, so many that my mom would put boxes of them by the curb with’ FREE’ signs, and also attempting to give them to anyone who came to the house. .
My school friends said ‘What’s wrong with your mom, every time I come here she tries to make me take apples home’… hahah
BUT – those were the best apples I’ve ever had ! so sweet & crisp, nothing like the mushy waxy imitations in the grocery stores today.
Oh, definitely! The home-grown ones are so flavorful!
I have a pear tree that’s ready to be harvested right now, but unlike with apples, I have zero experience with pears. My hubby was like, “We could make pear wine… Except we don’t drink wine…”
Maybe dried pear halves ? Takes some preparation & trays, and I think something to do with sulpher to prevent discoloration/spoilage, but I don’t know specifics. . .that’s how my dad did the dried apricot halves
Interesting idea!
I’ll look into it.
Thanks for the suggestion! 😊
On another subject :have you heard anything lately from Mr Musclehead – Chris?
Carolyn (doesitevenmatter3) and I were concerned about his absence & each emailed him, with a response 13 July with ‘I’ve been ill but coming back from it’, but nothing since then. We’re worried, feeling something is very wrong either with him or in his family, with the You-Know-What
I haven’t heard anything.
I emailed him too when he first dropped off, and got a similar response in mid-July. I emailed again when he still wasn’t posting and got no answer. He put something on his front page a few weeks ago along the lines of “we’re experiencing the same difficulties as all the rest of you right now” (work loss? sickness? home life changes? COVID? not sure…) and that got me concerned again.
I sent him an email when I started my September Song Project because he participated last year and is so into his music — I just said I was thinking of him and hoped he was all right. But so far, I haven’t heard back.
I’m a little worried. I hope he’s okay but I don’t have any way of finding out whether he is or not.
That’s such a weird thing about blogging, you know? These people (fellow bloggers, community members) are ‘around’ for a long time and then sometimes it’s like POOF! They’ve disappeared.
I first found Chris by searching simply ‘vintage’ on WP. I’d email weird vintage stuff to him from time to time. .
Yes, even though it’s ‘just cyber’, I feel a reciprocal connection to certain people here over time, like it’s a special little club that visits the same sites in the comments and we keep up on what the others are doing
Yes, exactly!
Looks yummy!
Too bad you don’t ship cross-country…
😀 😀 😀
I haven’t delved into apple cooking yet cuz I spent the weekend wrapping up peach season.
Soon, tho’!
Jz recently posted…Right Down to The Look on Her Face
Ha! Right??? I think they’d be all bruised. 😉
I’ve never had either Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy but they both sound delicious. I’ll have to try this one anyway.
It’s tasty!