As a general rule, I’m kind of haphazard when it comes to lists. Oh, I’ll write down the things I need to pick up from the grocery store so I don’t forget. I create playlists for my music. And I’ll make a chore list when my husband and I set out to complete major home-related tasks. I keep track of the books I’ve read on my Goodreads lists. I write down how much money I spend, where I spend it, and why. And I often find torn bits of opened envelopes covered in jigger-jotted nonsense that – I’m sure – meant something to me at one time (because I wrote it down!) but that I’m at a loss to decipher when I come across it weeks/months later.
Mental lists… Those, I make. But those lists are a bit like a low-powered app that just constantly runs in the background on an electronic device; they don’t wear down my battery, they rarely need to be addressed or backed up, and they are so “everyday” that they don’t serve any particular purpose. Things like, “start a new cycle in the washing machine before you leave the house” and “feed the cat” (I miss my cat…) are so autopilot that — while yes, they are Things On The List — they don’t really count.
But checklists for daily tasks? Outlines for business-related endeavors? Idea lists for things to do on vacation or restaurants to try?
And those famed “lists of things to write about” that are supposed to be oh-so-helpful when you’re not feeling creative?
Nope. Nope, I do not have one of those.
I could make one though.
And that, I think, is exactly what I will do – right now – with you.
Things I Could Write About If I Felt Like It
First, let me just say this:
There are a lot of things I could write about. There are some things that maybe I should write about. But there are also things that – while there are plenty of words to be composed on the topic – I just will not write. Because, reasons.
But they are all *things* nonetheless.
Write-able things.
Maybe I just haven’t gotten around to writing them yet; maybe they are things I just haven’t felt up to writing. Perhaps they are overly involved or too revealing or would require me to tell someone else’s story and I avoid the topics for those reasons. Maybe I haven’t yet figured out how to approach the topic (this is why I like writing prompts; they are so often the ‘switch’ that turns the writing light on) or am concerned about hurting people’s feelings.
Or maybe I’m just fucking exhausted by life and the deterioration of human goodness and this goddamn pandemic and the excessive screen time that is zombie-fying the world as a result, so I actively choose to do ANYTHING ELSE besides sit at a keyboard and stare at a screen.
A n y w a y
I just wanted to put that out there because I think I’m not alone in being not-so-keen on writing right now. But I also think that sometimes it’s easy to say “I’ve lost my mojo” or “I have writer’s block” or “I’ve run out of things to write about” when really, that’s total bullshit.
You’re probably not writing – if you’re not writing – because YOU DON’T WANT TO.
Because if you actually wanted to, you would.
It’s not that “you’ve got nothin’.”
YES, there may be things holding you back from putting your ideas on the page. But NO — unless you’ve stopped living — you definitely haven’t run out of things to write about.
So with that in mind, here are 4,327,059 (okay, not really; there are only 52) ideas I’ve had — one for every week of the year — that you are welcome to borrow if that whole no-mojo thing is happening:
In no particular order…
- FAMILY: I live far far away from them for very good reasons, but there are also compelling reasons to rethink that
- Choosing not to repeat history — let’s look at my mother’s marriages, shall we?
- My sister’s kids… I have some concerns about how they are being raised
- PETS: my history with animal rescue
- I miss my cat. Did I mention that? I still look for him sometimes, like, “Where’s Wallace?” Then I’m like, Oh…
- Home renovations are a thing. Because, cat.
- Why I am avoiding buying a new computer
- I am not avoiding buying shoes, however — I have somehow acquired like 50 pairs (I think I might have a problem)
- I have an amazing T-shirt collection too, by the way
- Hmmm… ‘Collecting’ is probably something worth analyzing, given my parents’ hoarding tendencies
- My parents are getting old — I have concerns
- *I* am getting old
- My husband is older than me and therefore he is the one who got old first — perhaps we should discuss his 40-year warranty
- Or his “Man Diet”
- Or all the various ways his successful kidney transplant has changed our lives
- He has a libido again; I don’t
- The history of our mismatched libidos… Is that even interesting?
- PCOS and its effect on all things sex/ual, including being a factor in the aforementioned mismatch
- My experience with taking hormones
- Skin issues
- Weight management
- Pajamas are favorite clothes to wear
- MONEY: People who should have more than enough (because they earn more than enough) are always broke — this is a mindset problem
- Practical tips for budgeting
- Companies I refuse to spend money with
- Brands I’ve found over the past eight months that I really like
- What I’ve done to put extra cash in my pocket over the past five months
- The whole idea of monetizing your blog and how I feel about that, both as a blog reader and a blog writer
- Blogs I’m reading on the reg
- Books I’ve read this year
- Authors whose writing inspires me, even if their personalities or personal beliefs don’t
- I have a project idea based around the whole concept of Inspiration — I may or may not flesh that out any time soon
- I have no use for modern movies. Let’s talk about vintage Hollywood!
- Sean Connery
- Icons
- Do you remember what (or who) was hip/cool/groovy when you were a teenager?
- First Times
- Endings
- Figuring out where we go from here… in all the ways…
- Fishing
- Phishing
- Petty pin-ups
- Poly problems
- I should probably work some more on that coming-out-as-trans post I started with my LDR and his (adult, trans) kid
- Christmas traditions
- Bookstores
- Montana
- My husband and I just started a new business. In the middle of this pandemic. Yes, really.
- Who decided that ugly Christmas sweaters should be a thing? My Christmas sweaters are all super cute! Wanna see?
- The lost art of writing letters
- That email exchange with that one guy that lasted for years
- Eenie-meenie-mynie-mo — whatever you want to write, here: _______________
It’s your blog.
(Well, this blog is not your blog. This blog is my blog. But you know what I mean.) 😉
Do whatever you want with it.
For those of you who are feeling ‘meh’ or are otherwise screentimed-out — If you need to take a break: take it.
But if you have an idea — any idea, whether it ‘fits’ your {perceived} genre/niche/audience-expectations or not — take it and run with it.
My two cents.
For what it’s worth. 🙂
Do you keep a list of ideas for writing?
What kinds of topics attract your interest?
Great list! I’ve been struggling to write mainly because I DO stare at a screen all day…and the last thing I want to do most days is continue to look at a screen. I’ve noticed lots of bloggers seem to be facing the same problem. Stupid pandemic.
It’s basically been clinically proven – repeatedly – that sitting in front of a screen is BEYOND unhealthy. Watching two hours or more of television daily, without physical exercise, is linked to dementia. Pediatricians recommend keeping screen time to under one hour daily for children.
Under normal circumstances, screen absorption is waaaay over the level that’s considered healthy. But now, with that unhealthy level being doubled and tripled…
Yeah. Sit at a keyboard? No thanks.
Well, that’s quite the list! Have you seen ‘Mank’ yet?
No, I haven’t.
Mankeweiz, right? I might give that one a go if I ever decide to sit in front of a screen for the full length of a movie again. 🙂
Love your list, Feve, and I might just use this as a base to make my own list too. Not that I am stumped for content at the moment, but it’s always nice to have a list. I work with daily to do lists, as it helps to keep me focused. Strangely enough those I have for my blog, I write down, but for my work I keep them in my head 😉
And yes, I want to see your Christmas sweaters!
~ Marie
I wore a fun one yesterday with a scarf-clad reindeer on it. Today I think the penguin sweater is coming out! 😉
Great post – I also do the mental list thing. Love your opinion about writers block – made me smile. And a great list. Most importantly the message – your blog, write -what u want. Wishing you a great Christmas and hope 2021 is a good year for u and yours.
May x
May More recently posted…Taking Care to get it right before and after play
Thanks, I hope 2021 is a better year for everyone.
I used to ONLY do mental lists. But then I started coming home from the grocery store and realizing I’d forgotten things…
Great list. I sometimes get ideas and write a sentence of a post. Or a title and sentence… save it in my ideas folder on my phone. Many of those ideas will never see the light of day. Though occasionally I return and flesh them out. I also sometimes erase them.
I have missed your regular contributions here. I hope you and your hubby are well. I don’t know if I said this at the time, but I’m sorry about your cat. Stay safe!
I think a lot of people do what you describe. I think for me, if I was to have an ideas/drafts folder, it would have to be in the form of a notebook I keep next to my bed. Because my best ideas seem to strike in the middle of the night! 😉
That would work too. It my phone is usually with me. I would hate to ha e to carry a notebook around all the time.
For me, it’s not so much that I’ve completely lost the mojo, it’s more that I’m so distracted so much of the time that it’s difficult to carve out the space to chill and get in touch with the inner composer. She’s in there, formulating snippets and thoughts all the time, but getting to the point where I’m relaxed enough that she comes out to play can be tricky.
I agree, tho’, that our blogs are there for whatever we want to write. I struggled with that at one point – until I realized that A- I was incredibly bored by limiting my subject matter and B- that people read (or not) no matter what the topic. It’s been a whole lot easier to ride out the bumps ever since.
That’s a good list – I look forward to reading whatever comes from it! 🙂
Jz recently posted…Water Torture
I like your description of your “inner composer” — I feel like I am constantly composing, mentally, but sometimes (often, now, because COVID screen fatigue) I’m just like “Nah…” when it comes time to channel that mental draft through my fingertips.
I like this post. I have things I know I could write about. But a part of me feels that no one wants to read it. Cos I sure as heck don’t feel like reading – becos you know, pandemic. I spend so much time doing everything in front of the screen that i didn’t have to before, that i don’t WANT to visit blogs and read MORE things. And so I don’t ramble the way I used to. Cos a lot of it seems unnecessary. And I don’t want to subject the world to reading more unnecessary reading. I post pics of the food I eat when I go on dates with BIKSS (cos Singaporean food may be exciting to some) And updates on skincare (my current passion – and people should know what they’re putting on their faces!) and medical stuff like my perimenopause. But aside from that, what else is there? Maybe I *WILL* use some of the things on your list for inspiration. And yes. I would love to see your sweaters. I live on the equator. I get to wear NO sweaters.
I am pretty much reading next to nothing online right now. Because, COVID screen exhaustion. But when I do read blogs, I don’t much mind whether people are posting about knitting or food or sex. (Honestly, I find the first two much more appealing than the latter right now.) I saw an adorable hat and scarf someone made, posted on their “sex blog” recently — sex, schmex; post whatever you want! — and I always like reading about your dinner dates.
…I really miss eating out at restaurants…
And that makes two of you now who gave a thumbs up to some sartorial nonsense — I sense a post about my cute Christmas sweaters may be coming soon. 😉