So I have this idea.

      21 Comments on So I have this idea.

As ideas go, it’s not exactly solid. Not yet.

I mean… It’s past the stage of being ‘nebulous’ but not quite past the ‘more substantial than an amoeba’ point of existence.

In other words: I’m still working it out.


The general gist is this:

I’m in the middle (in the muddle?) of a LOT of changes in life, all happening very quickly. Partly due to the monumental event that was my husband’s kidney transplant, partly as a result of the ongoing struggle (which is not really a struggle, which makes me feel weird because I feel like it should be somehow; instead, it just IS) of living with a flat-lined libido, partly because of otherwise-insignificant seemingly-incidental things that just seem to keep adding up…

The particulars don’t matter so much as the overall feeling, I guess, which is a combination of un-panicked(?) upheaval and generalized meh.

Because of all that — and some of ‘all that’ is actually quite good, so I’m certainly not complaining, but change can be hard even when it’s welcome — as well as for reasons still a bit unclear to me, I’m experiencing a bit of a block with my writing. Not as in “I have nothing to write about,” but more along the lines of “There are all these things swirling in my head and they would make for beautiful/hilarious/informative/intense/ridiculous blog posts, but I.just.can’t make myself sit down and type.”

But you know what’s working for me right now?


And so I’m thinking of putting together a project — perhaps memoir-esque? — without a lot of rules (restrictions are just NOT my thing) to it except Write Your Life — for September, based around music and lyrics and… whatnot. Perhaps weaving lyrics like a thread through the tapestry of a memory, or using them as a springboard to discuss a person/place/thing/idea{l}, or simply finding inspiration in a song title, or…



Anyway, I kinda just want to write whatever comes. (Heh. Or whoever comes.)

In a soundtrack-y kind of way.

If that makes sense.


As I said before: I’m still working this idea out.

Which is where YOU come in. πŸ˜€

If you are a reader and have something you’d like to ask or suggest, and/or you otherwise have thoughts you’d like to share (or would like me to share) along the general lines I’ve attempted to describe above, please make use of the comments section below.

And if you are a fellow blogger and would be interested in joining me for this September writing project, please also let me know. I’d be quite happy to have you in the band, so to speak. (And I promise I will put together a much more intelligible and cohesive outline of What This Is All About before we begin.)

image of heart wearing headphones from
Image via

21 thoughts on “So I have this idea.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I’m not sure, exactly. I’m thinking daily is too much for me right now, honestly. But once a week isn’t enough, if I’m to make it a month-long thing. So maybe I’ll shoot for 2-3 posts per week? (And anyone who wants to join in can post as often as they please.)

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Thanks! I’ll put something together in a week or so and send an email out to those who are interested.

      And no, I’ve not heard that one before. Thanks for sharing!

  1. J. Lynn

    Yes!! I’m always interested in music related themes 😁
    I did a 30 days of music for Hyacinth’s Every Damn Day in June. I agree everyday is hard to commit to, but a couple times a week is definitely do-able.

  2. Pingback: The September Song Project ~ Temperature's Rising

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