Saturday Night Fever: New{d} Panties

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side view of woman wearing nude panties with lace on the hip

Normally, panties are not something I wear. I don’t have the kind of hips that hold them up and the band tends to either cut into my flesh or fold over; neither effect is comfortable.

So when I was 40, I sort of gave them up.

Oh, I have a few fun pairs. Sure. And occasionally — on rare nights when the weather is hot enough to make a difference — I wear them to bed as a substitute for pajamas. And I have some bike shorts type things I wear under skirts because I don’t believe in non-consensual flashing (nor do I care for experiencing cold wind up my hoo-ha).

Otherwise, ‘panties’ are more like ‘nope’ around here.

But I’m getting older.

(I had a birthday this week.)

And just as bras started being necessary for comfort when I hit 40, I have begun to wonder if panties might begin to be A Thing™ at 45.

Oldness, and whatnot.

(I complain of body aches and go to bed at ridiculously early hours. I’m cold all the time and my bones creak. “I’m an old lady!” I complain to my older spouse. “I love it!” he says. “We’re growing old together.”) (We’re also growing hairs in strange places and will be lucky if, this year, we’re able to grow a garden. But that’s neither here nor there.)

It occurred to me on my birthday that when she was my age, my mother was a grandma. A step-grandma, but still. Granny.

So since I’m now old enough to be a granny…

woman pulling nude panties away from her belly at the band

…I’m considering these new{d}s to be my granny panties.


Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021 (you can see all SNF posts to date here), the purpose being to add a little warmth to your weekends. Click the badge to see what it’s about and/or feel free to join me here on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a little Feverish. 😉

20 thoughts on “Saturday Night Fever: New{d} Panties

  1. fondles

    There’s nothing granny about them. I love the lace.

    I’m a never-without-undies gal, except when I choose not to wear them on dates with BIKSS…. but even that isn’t a regular thing.

  2. Marie Rebelle

    Definitely not granny panties, but I get you. Going without panties is just not something I feel comfortable with anymore. And I notice, the older I get, the more I want to wear comfortable clothes. And underclothes. No bras that pinch my flesh where I don’t want too, and no panties that hurt my groin. Also, no clothes that are fashionable, but feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. I even have two different kinds of panties in my drawer – those that go with pants, and those that go with dresses. Yep, I’m an old woman 😉
    BTW, love your playful images!
    ~ Marie xox

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I’ve been “going commando” for the better part of ten years; the last five, I’ve gone without panties 97% of the time.

      I barely wore bras – except for exercising – all through my 30s.

      But, just like I suddenly felt the need for a bit of cushioning to provide comfort against the elements when I turned 40, I now suddenly feel less comfortable being bare down below. The physical sensation has changed somehow. So I’m trying panties. At least occasionally.

      These ones are quite comfortable!

  3. Sheenagh Murphy

    those panties are gorgeous – and LOVE the dragon – absolutely stunning. I actually love cotton panties – never liked thongs – nor granny pants (and those above most definitely do NOT qualify as granny)- but from the perspective of pure comfort prefer to wear them…

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I’ve had the dragon for 18 years. It was a birthday tattoo when I turned 27.

      My “sleep panties” (for when it’s too hot to wear PJs) are cotton. Under clothing, though, I find that cotton bunches and catches on things so I thought I’d try a more satin-y finish. I have these in black too. So far they are working for me when I feel the need to give a little extra hug to my buns. 😉

  4. Polly Cullen

    This was a lovely post – your honesty and humour always strike the right balance.

    I’ve never felt comfortable going without panties or a bra, but as I love lingerie that’s been ok. Like you, May and Marie – comfortable is top of the agenda for me nowadays. It doesn’t have to be ugly to be comfortable and those nude knickers you’re modelling look very pretty.

    Mrs Fever, you’re looking fab ** happy birthday! **

  5. Cindi

    Happy Birthday!! Don’t do something because you think you should, do something because you want to. I am 71 and still don’t wear panties, or a bra. My son is your age and yes, he is now a grandfather, so you know what that makes me.
    Cindi recently posted…Favorite ToysMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      This is an old post. My birthday is about to roll around again. Lol.

      I never do anything I “should.” I started swearing bras again because I was experiencing breast discomfort brought on by menopause. I started wearing panties again because going commando became suddenly uncomfortable — probably for similar hormonal reasons — as well. I refuse to be uncomfortable for any reason. When I was younger, I eschewed the undergarments because they felt uncomfortable on my skin; now, my skin feels uncomfortable when I DON’T have them on.

      : shrug :


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