While I’m fortunate in that my spouse and I are well matched in many ways — not so much are we the same (how dull that would be!) as that we ‘get’ each other and provide well for one another’s needs and desires — it occurred to me recently that, even though we’ve accommodated one another’s needs sexually over the years, we are an odd combination of both ‘well-matched’ sexually -and- mismatched where libido is concerned.
When we first got together, the drive part of the sex engine was pretty much running at full throttle between us. We were (and still are) great friends, attracted to one another, fairly well lubricated (*laugh*), and had a tendency toward speed. Conjugal relations took place at least daily for the majority of the first few years; satisfaction was never a question, and neither was enjoyment.
When he turned 50, though, some of that started to change. Looking back at that time, we know now that it was a combination of things — {1} the natural lowering of testosterone that happens when men are that age (andropause is a real thing), combined with {2} the worsening toll taken on his energy/stamina as a result of his kidney disease, compounded by {3} some personal struggles he was going through — that made his libido crash and burn. At the time, though, it was as though somebody had hit the parking brake while the motor was running in 5th gear. I was still going full speed ahead (partly due to the high-testosterone side effect of having PCOS) and he – suddenly, inexplicably – full-on STOPPED.
We worked through it. In some ways healthily and in other ways not so much. But work through it we did.
[ASIDE: One of the results of that ‘working through’ is what led us to experiment with ancillary partners, first via swinging (which… I’ve actually written very little about that, come to think of it; we had a threesome as a part of that adventure, but for the most part it was a short study in full-consent exhibitionism and episodic same-room sex — ‘full swap’ was never our thing) and later with polyamory.]
Mostly we came to the “within-our-relationship” conclusion that when he had a sexual urge, he would come to me with it. And when I had one (and the desire ratio at that time of him:me was about 1:10), I would just take care of myself.
Meanwhile, as his libido continued to decline throughout his 50s, my own libido started to take a nosedive when I hit my 40s. It was the lessening of sexual desire (and the resultant difficulty with achieving orgasm, which later became difficulty achieving wetness and then a sort of Why bother? apathy about the whole process) that signaled the switch from PCOS to peri-menopause, but at the time it didn’t matter a whole lot. He was on dialysis…
(I made him cum once with a full peritoneal dose inside him. It was fascinating.)
…and so with the trickle-to-a-stop desire I (wasn’t) feeling and the medically-induced nevermind that he was feeling, we rode the same libido wavelength for a short while.
And then he had his kidney transplant.
Which now means that — two years later (I can’t believe it’s been two years!) and fully recovered — he is back to the libido levels he had at 50 (which at the time was far less than where I was, remember) and I am about as turned-on as an iceberg.
I’m not willing to be like, “Oh go ahead and masturbate if you want to!” though. Because, NO.
There is the orgasm control thing but there is also a “channel your sex energy into a different kind of productive energy” thing that is important to/for him, so NO.
But he – thankfully – gets all kinds of excited if *I* masturbate (which usually happens at random intervals, often in the middle of the night or in the early dark hours after waking from erotic dreams), and even more excited if I suddenly/unexpectedly take my surges of friskyness out on him. (After my recent experiment with masturbatory penetration, I took the experiment a step farther and switched from my glass imitation to the real thing. He was delighted, to say the least. I was… Well. I was sore. *laugh* Which is why I’ve taken to reminding him before trips to the store — even though we always forget while we’re out — that “we need lube!”)
So right now we’re at a him:me desire ratio of about 32:1.
Which means we’re definitely mismatched.
: sigh :
I’ve read that, for many women (women who have normal periods their entire lives and may otherwise suffer from low libido in their youth — which is not me), peri-menopause puts a spike in their drive.
I’ve also read that women who experience a STOP in libido during their menopausal years sometimes get their sex drive back once they are post-menopausal.
Given my reproductive health history, it’s hard to know how the cards will fall for me.
It’s also hard to know how things will work (or stop working?) for my spouse.
The best I can hope for, I think, is that – whatever the result may eventually be – my hubby and I will continue to be well-matched…
And where libido is concerned,
maybe ONE of these days,
we will no longer be mismatched.
This post was brought about – somewhat indirectly and via the roundabout route my thoughts traveled, after ruminating on this post about the loss of “visibility” women experience as they age. I also found my experience of sex drive to be vastly different than what was expounded upon in this post about peri-menopause, which made me want to examine one of the ways sex drive (and the mismatch thereof) has played a role in my marital relationship.
Also with a nod to Marie Rebelle at Rebel’s Notes and to Brigit Delaney, who have both tackled the topic of mismatched libido in their marriages several times over the course of developing their blogs.
Goodness, so much I’ve not considered! Two of my best girls are peri-menopausal and I’m not far behind (4 and 3 years respectively) but they have always had normal cycles. Little miss Bitch-on-heat PCOS over here hadn’t considered that things may change so much! I’d best make hay while the sun shines 😊
I love you writing prompt, I keep getting inspired and then words just go “poof” in a cloud of smoke!
I think PCOS — my experience of it anyway — puts everything at opposites. During a time I’d expect to have regular (or low) libido, my sex furnace was set to permanent ON. When things pick up for “normal” women during peri-menopause, I go from 4,000 degrees to negative 2,500.
But yes, by all means: make hay! *laugh*
This one here has had regular periods all her life. Now that I’m firmly in Peri mode, (yes, did the blood tests and everything) my body has gone absolutely berserk. Things that never bothered me are beginning to disrupt my life (weird weight gain, non-budging bloats for a couple of months then something gets back into the right slot and it comes away again. Meanwhile I’ve panicked and exercised myself half to death.) Weird spots on my arms. Tingly skin on my limbs. Gastric (I’m not a gastricky type at all). Headaches for a couple of weeks before the very delayed period started. i’ve been VERY clockwork in the past. Now i’m yoyo-ing like crazy. heavier flow. AND ZERO lubrication / sex drive.
So um… yeah. Make of that what you will. But nope. No spike in libido in this part of the world. Ok, maybe one day a month i get what one might consider “horny”. LOL
fondles recently posted…It’s Happening Again and Updates
Yes! One day a month, A weird spike of horny-ness. *laugh*
The skin too… I’m dry as a desert both inside and out — it doesn’t matter how much lotion I use, it’s never enough!
And weight has long been a struggle for me, but lately it’s not just that. It’s like… Bloating with no purpose/reason, little jiggly fat pockets, gaining 5 pounds after eating 6 ounces of food. That kind of thing.
So it seems there’s hope for me that when I am post-menopausal my libido will return… we’ll see. I’m not holding my breath, though 😉
Thanks for the nod, Feve!
~ Marie xox
I don’t know. I think it’s different for everybody. And for every body.
I expected socks… 😀
My libido has always been a kind of “take it or leave it” sort of affair anyhow, so the randomness of menopause is just another segment of the same ol’ rollercoaster for me. Sometimes a peak, sometimes a valley…
The good news is, this leaves me feeling like age isn’t changing anything.
Jz recently posted…A Bit Surprising…
Ha! I definitely considered socks for the illustration. 😉
Well I don’t have periods now so I suppose i am thru the menopause? I don’t know – never had a hormone test but i am kinda mid 50’s so i assume… Because my man and i got together 7 or so years ago he fired my libido – I think. Or was it because i was probably Peri-menopausal at that time? My libido has lowered – but is still very much there. And I too like to have a quick wank in the middle of the night 😉
May x
May More recently posted…Peep Poem ~ What are you hoping to see?
There are so many factors and it’s different for everyone so “probably” is probably the answer. *laugh*
Honestly, in some ways, it doesn’t matter to me whether I have a libido or not. Where priorities are concerned, it matters only as much as it hinders/impedes intimacy in my relationship… But then again, I tend to have the attitude: I don’t care about your dick. *laugh* So it’s not all that different from his perspective, I don’t think. 😉