Saturday Night Fever: Shower{ed} With Attention

It was the last day of our hot-weather getaway when it dawned on me that we hadn’t really taken any photos.

“Smotchyyyyy!” I shouted from the shower after catching a glimpse of the steam-drip fogged shower door in vanity mirror across from me. “Smotchy, bring the camera!”

And so it was that I found myself showered with {photographic} attention while I was in the shower.

He, of course, was being a total dork. Bending and angling, ogling and “Hold that pose!”-ing, while snapping off a ridiculous amount of (blurry, badly-angled) pics.

I’m surprised any of them turned out, honestly. What with all his jumpy, quick-flash phone-camera-ing. But this one isn’t too bad.

And when I returned the favor…

…playing paparazzi to a showering Smotchy…

…I found that those photos weren’t too bad either. 😉

(Maybe I’ll show them to you some time.)



Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021. Click the badge to see what it’s about (or see archives of SNF posts to date, here) and feel free to join me on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a little ‘Feverish’.

7 thoughts on “Saturday Night Fever: Shower{ed} With Attention

  1. KDPierre

    This works very well. Even the reflections in the panel help the composition by subtly interrupting the overall verticality of everything. Nice job. There’s also a painterly feel to it. If you try this again try bringing your right arm across and place your palm over your tattoo. It’s not that it’s a bad tattoo, but the shape and tone I think adds a distracting element that a flesh toned hand might mask. I found my eye flowing over the natural tones and shapes and then dwelling on the tattoo to make out the design. A hand would be obvious as a hand and not result in undue focus at the expense of the overall image. Just a suggestion. (I think I am the product of too many “crits” in art school. LOL)
    KDPierre recently posted…Monday Morning TeaserMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I don’t know that we’ll be trying this again anytime soon — glass-doored showers are only found in hotels and vacation rentals, not in our home — but I’ll keep that in mind. 😉


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