I have a cool job.
Like anything worth doing, it is challenging.
But it is also rewarding.
And occasionally it comes with unexpected afflictions side effects…
Like earworms.
So — typically — I work with adults.
But occasionally — as with my “crunchy” kid and my young wrestler (Ahhh… you are thinking, So THAT’S what that was about!) — I work with the K-12 set.
Last week I found myself in a kindergarten classroom, where the current ‘unit’ (if such things exist in kindergarten) is focused around snowmen.
What with it being winter and whatnot.
So I have heard stories about snowmen and seen little ones label snowmen (mittens! carrot nose! scarf! raisins! Wait… raisins? raisin eyes!) and create a snowman piece by piece as a whole class from large colored butcher paper.
And I have heard a song sung by a snowman.
Or, y’know… A snowkid.
And that song is STUCK IN MY HEAD.
I go around the house singing it. It pops out of my mouth when I would normally be humming or singing (I don’t whistle while I work, but I tend to sing in the shower and hum when I’m doing housechores) something else.
It’s weirdly addictive.
Like the duck song, kinda. Only not.
And when I’m out and about, if I happen to see someone who is hell bent on proving to the world at large that they are You-neek and Speshul…
Well, let’s just say it’s a bit of a default anthem.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake…
Children’s Song
What song are YOU singing along to these days, hmmm?
There is decidedly nothing ‘wicked’ about this post; it is just a slice of everyday life. But since the current Wicked Wednesday prompt is Sing-Along, I thought I’d do exactly that: sing along.
If you were hoping for something sexier in the ‘song’ department, I’d recommend you check out my archive of September Song Project posts. Or, of course, there was that one time I got all patriotic in a singy-sexy way…
If you’d like to see what kinds of songs other bloggers are singing this week, or are singing a song you’d like others to hear, click the badge.
(And if you’d like to listen to my earworm, click the link in the header snowman image.)
“Snowflake?” Hmmmm, why do I keep picturing Marjorie Taylor-Greene singing that? Or maybe Tucker Carlson? Or………? 😉
Why are ‘earworms’ never good? …………………………Wicked Wednesday prompt, eh? Looks like I have my post topic for today. LOL
Politicos and pundits? *laugh*
Yes, I suppose they would qualify as Speshul Snowflayks.
Well, while they are, I meant that they are the ones incessantly accusing others of being too sensitive. So I can see them using a song like that to mock opponents. Not that there aren’t some overly coddled people out there, but sheesh, Tucker……don’t cry (or sing LOL) “snowflake” and then act like one when something doesn’t go your way.
By the way……… it’s up. (took me a bit since I had a snow blower to deal with beforehand)
KDPierre recently posted…Earworms
My comment on your post keeps disappearing. It went as follows (I emailed you, btw):
May I recommend a lovely tune called “Snowflake”? Lol. It will unstick any other horrible tune you’ve got lodged in your ear, no doubt. (Plus… Don’t you have a grandkid? He’d love it!)
I’m sorry about the can’t-sing thing though. I can, actually, carry a tune. And play one — I played piano for 20+ years — if the mood strikes. I’m out of practice though, so the tune I could currently play without practice might resemble Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 😉
Earworms can sometimes be good things, right? Especially when they make you smile…
~ Marie xox
It is a grin-inducing one. 🙂
It may not be a sexy post but sometimes real life isn’t. I loved this little peek into your day. I think there’s nothing worse sometimes than a song that gets in your head and won’t go away. At least yours can make you smile 😃
Yes, it does make me smile. 🙂
Oh goodness i get all kinds of song worms that last for weeks – I had “tiny dancer” a while ago so wrote a story to try and get rid of it – it kinda worked – then the other day for no reason i had “a different corner” by george michael – lasted a few days. My daughter said she had “fill me up buttercup for years” once!
MAy x
May More recently posted…Wearing my wife’s panties by Rafael
Oh GAWD. I hate Hate HATE that Buttercup song!
*plugging ears*
Re: Tiny Dancer ~ I once heard mis-sung lyrics to that song:
Hold me closer, Tony Danza
Count the head lice on the high wig
NOW try to get it stuck in your head! 😉
I wonder if if you constantly listen to different music, you can avoid this problem?
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