We all have our idiosyncrasies…
Those things that we do (or say or are known for) that are ‘our’ things — things that are, if not in and of themselves unique, are unique to US.
Perhaps it is a part of your routine. Do you *have to* floss after every meal?
Perhaps it is something you say. Is there are phrase or ‘ism’ you are known for?
Maybe your idiosyncrasy has to do with an aesthetic, like the exact shade of dark purple that MUST outline your lips or the constantly-laddered hose you wear. Maybe it’s more about something intrinsically YOU, like your half-guffaw shout-laugh or your smirk-faced eyebrow-raise.
Me, I have several idiosyncrasies:
- There is a specific set of words I exchange with my spouse, often (but not always) before we complete our bedtime ritual. And if I am in the mood to start the little back-and-forth, it must be completed correctly. *laugh*
- Once I decide I’m done for the day, I put my pajamas on. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2:30 in the afternoon or two minutes to midnight. When I’m done, I’m done. I get in my jammies and I’m in for the night.
- If I’m going to wear a bra and panties, they must coordinate. They do not have to be matching sets. But I’m not ever gonna wear a hot pink bra with my black and yellow Batpants. NOPE. Uh-unh. No.
- I get really particular about tooth-and-gum care when I have a cold. I brush my teeth approximately six times a day during these ‘sick’ periods, and I am constantly plagued by an irrational and uncontrollable desire to floss.
There are more of course. 😉
But now that I’ve shared a few of mine, I’d love to hear yours:
What idiosyncrasies are unique to YOU?
For this year’s A-to-Z Challenge, I am asking (and answering!) 26 get-to-know-you type questions. I’d love to read your answers to today’s, below.
Mine is that I find it weird that people wear pajamas to sleep in. I sleep in my birthday suit, and the thought of any kind of clothing on while in bed feels so totally strange to me. Only when I lived in very cold climates and only on the coldest of nights would I even put on a t-shirt. So someday please tell us why you wear pajamas. I have never heard any one explain why? I did not even wear them as a kid so I have no basis for them.
I did not wear pajamas for a long time. Living in a cold clime, though, and given my cold flushes that accompany my menopause symptoms, I can never feel warm enough anymore. So wearing pajamas helps with that. I also just find them to be the most comfortable clothing I own. So I wear them around the house quite a bit.
One of mine is that on a bright sunny day when I first step out in to the sunlight, I sneeze. I’ve never met anyone else who does this apart from my son.
I’ve heard of that before! It’s called Photic Sneeze Reflex. 🙂
I sneeze to under sun..good to know am not alone 🙂
Hmmm – this could be a long comment! I’ll limit myself to only a few.
If asked for an explanation of something, I always give an example. I think I began it when my kids were small to help them understand. Now I can’t stop.
I love talking about films and but then I go blank on the names of the actors, and that takes me down several dead ends and blind alleys.
I am a terrible amateur psychologist, always thinking there is a ‘pat’ reason behind someone’s motivation.
I talk to my animals, usually about what I am doing. I also often give my pets human motivations.
I adore getting into my pajamas too, but not before we’ve eaten because I don’t like to go to bed in stuff that smells of cooking.
I hate the smell of burned toast. If I’ve just washed my hair, even worse (it clings!)
When I’ve changed the sheets and they are all fresh and cool – I want to be the one who gets into bed first (never happens, my OH goes to bed crazy early!)
I salute magpies and feel worried all day if I’ve only seen a lone one as it’s unlucky.
Posy Churchgate recently posted…If You’re too Shy, Let me Know
Love fresh sheets!
Interesting about the burned toast… It’s not a smell I “like” but neither does it particularly bother me. Burned popcorn, on the other hand: UGH. *laugh*
I think lots of people talk to their animals! I certainly did. And sometimes I think pets *do* have human motivations — hunger, pain, jealousy (territorialism)… Yes, I can see that. 🙂
I love painting my nails. I’ll put all kinds of crazy colors, or color combos, on my toes. But my finger nails are always either unpainted, or silver. I don’t know why, but I don’t like painting them any other color besides silver.
That’s just an example of one for me. I probably have a lot that involve my partner, too. We’ve been together for a really long time, and have lots of little rituals together. 🙂
This was a fun post! Good luck during the rest of the challenge.
Michelle & The Paw Pack recently posted…Can Dogs Eat Honey?
That’s an interesting one! I can’t really have painted fingernails because of my job, but I definitely enjoy getting pedicures. It’s my ONE indulgence where spas/salons are concerned. I gave myself *one* pedicure during the worst parts of the COVID shutdowns, and it was TERRIBLE. *laugh*
I have many…but most important of all is may be u can call it ocd too …i can’t tolerate a change pattern at home…cushions to b fluffed… flower vases to be in same spots and such….one more idiosyncratic trait of mine is that – I can’t sit ina bright room…it has to be mostly dark…am like a vampire in this case. Easily get headaches or feel irritable in very bright rooms!!
Dropping by from a to z http://afshan-shaik.blogspot.com/
Clearly your body is not happy in bright light! Maybe you have a vampire somewhere in your family history? *smile*
I know what you mean about things having to be “just so.” I’m pretty relaxed about my lived-in environment, but I have display items (I collect ruby red glassware and vintage cookie jars, among other things) that I’m very particular about when it comes to how they are placed. 🙂
I would constantly have no underwear to wear if I coordinated my bra and panties 🤣. I don’t even match my socks half the time – they have to be the same kind of sock, but colour matching is optional.
Hmmm, idiosyncrasies – my husband and I randomly make cat noises at each other when we’re at home alone 🤣 – I assume it started when we were talking to our kitties, but these days it’s just a thing.
Best wishes,
Tasha’s Thinkings: YouTube – What They Don’t Tell You (and free fiction)
Tasha recently posted…I is for Inspiration #YouTube #AtoZChallenge
Oh that’s funny! I make noises at my hubby — grunts, growls, nonsense gibberish — that I think started when we were pet parents. He knows how to interpret the non-words though, so it has continued. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!) 🙂
Fun topic, and I’ve enjoyed reading about your idiosyncrasies as well as those of your readers. You’ve shared four, so I’ll share four. 1- Scent is hugely important to me, for both my body and my home. 2- I refuse to be pressured into being available at all times, and since I work for myself, I’m utterly happy to get around to emails, phone messages, etc. on my schedule not instantly on demand. 3- I need/read at least one poem a day. 4- I like to eat off pretty dishes.
Deborah Weber recently posted…Pointed Ponderings: I
Pretty dishes!! I have a small collection of varied “pretty dishes” — there is something special about dining from them. Even my everyday dishes are “pretty” (in my opinion), as my regular plates and bowls are turquoise Fiestaware.
I love your list, it is so interesting, especially the brushing bit, I brush more when sick too.
I have to drink water just before I sleep, even though I might wake up to pee later, but then I drink again…
See you around the A-Z challenge!
Hope you stop by my blog https://momandideas.com/
Oh, too funny! I’m glad someone out there ‘gets’ my when-I’m-sick flossing & brushing shtick.
I’m the Tie Dye Guy!!
I know a guy like that. 🙂
Clothing tags! I need to get them off before I wear anything – it’s just SO scratchy. I have a couple more, but this one is probably the MOST important (and obvious – even my BOSS knows this about me).
Haha! Yes, I can see how that would be A Thing. 😉
And I’m sure you’re not alone!
Some, if not all, of the Idiosyncrasies you listed can also be attributed to the habits of a person accustomed to order in life.
Good call! 😉