
      8 Comments on Inigo

I think Inigo Montoya might be my favorite character from The Princess Bride.

Slightly obsessive (he spent his entire life in the pursuit of revenge, after all), not a BAD bad guy (I hate waiting, he says impatiently, watching Westley climb of the Cliffs of Insanity, waiting to have a fair duel with him), quick to make reasonable alterations to his plan without temper (Let me ‘splain… No, no. Let me sum up)…

And unwittingly providing networking advice for post-1987** professionals.

Plus, the quote I so often want to use when folks are flexing their vocabulatory muscles incorrectly:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Inigo Montoya

While Westley’s “As you wish” is a fabulous fairytale quotable, Miracle Max’s miracle pill really is quite miraculous, and Vezinni’s iocane powder party is wittily entertaining: It’s really Inigo’s unwittingly genius witticisms that put the ‘classic’ in the description of The Princess Bride as a Cult Classic.***

Do you have a favorite character or quote from The Princess Bride?

What movie(s) do you consider to be Cult Classic(s)?

**That’s when the movie was made, for those of you who might be of the wrong generation to understand. 😉

***With the possible exception of Andre the Giant’s “Anybody want a peanut?” 😛

8 thoughts on “Inigo

  1. Cara Thereon

    I did enjoy that movie, but maybe not to the same degree as everyone else. Honestly, my favorite cult classic movie is The Fifth Element. It’s one of those movies I can watch over and over. That or (the more obscure) Chronicles of Riddick.
    Cara Thereon recently posted…Invisible, no moreMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      For some reason, Riddick does not surprise me!

      I think The Princess Bride hit my generation in a way that others don’t really ‘get’. My sister, who is 10 years younger than me, is like “It’s cute, but…” It’s not a big deal to her. My parents don’t get it either.

      It was the cast of characters and the twist on fairytale-ness and the familial aspect in the story-reading and the coming-of-age that all mixed _just_ right to touch a very small group of people, I think.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Well, I’m not sure which generation you identify with, and I’m not going to delve into that particular fire swamp! There are more than just ROUSes to worry about if we head that direction, I think. 😛

  2. Posy Churchgate

    Absolutely – one of my favourite films ever! It began with huge lust for Carey Elwes and then I watched it over and over and so many other things came to the fore.

    I too love the quote regarding Viccini’s use of the word ‘inconceivable’ and the networking Gif is genius.

    Absolutely wonderful post Mrs Fever – hats off to you.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      It’s one of those films you have to watch multiple times to catch everything, I think. Movies that I’m willing to watch repeatedly tend to have that quality about them. 🙂


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