I’ve called it a ship — a misnomer, for sure — but mostly I call it The Cute TugTM.
It is over 40 years old (as are we), with a small stack and a broad beam (familiar? yes), and despite the efforts of wind and waves and wake, it holds steady. (Just so.)
It rocks a bit, though.
Sometimes while at dock and another boat crosses behind.
Other times while at dock and inside the boat we snatch small opportunities to catch up on activities in which out participation seems to have fallen behind.
The kinds of activities, for instance, which require the baring of behinds.
But a marina is not necessarily a quiet or out-of-the-way place; there are feet moving down docks and bows sliding in and out of slips at all hours — there are eyes everywhere and unwarranted motion is sure to draw notice.
So while we are rockin’ the boat…
We are very careful to NOT rock the boat. 😉
This is the fifth (!!!) year I’ve undertaken my September Song Project, which is a posting event revolving around music — not necessarily are my posts about music, but rather they are inspired in some way by music: lyrics, titles, styles, artists, melodies, etc. Whatever inspires in the moment.
(This particular post was inspired by the 1974 song by The Hues Corporation.)
If you are inspired to join me in my musical musings this month — please do! Drop me a link to your post and I will be sure to visit.
I love the charm of that boat! (made even more charming by thoughts of what’s going on below deck.)
It has a certain something, doesn’t it? 😉