Scene /ONE/
Well, I’m naked, I think. So that’s about 90% of the ‘seduction’ bit taken care of right there.
Plumping the pillows, I tick off the preparatory checklist in my mind – showered? check!, bed arranged? yep!, lube somewhere around here? ummm… yes? – and wonder what I should do to tempt the Mister into my lair boudoir mess of a bedroom. After smoothing the towel down over the pillow that will go under my bum, I opt for the tried and true: “SmotchyyyYYY!” hollered at the top of my lungs.
When he appears in my doorway, I am laid out seductively sprawled like an awkward egret attempting to be swan-like (and failing miserably). But hey! I’m naked. And I’m clearly in a let’s-attempt-some-sexual-shenanigans position. So when, in response to the happily beamed un-question on his smiling lips I say “Um, my v’gina is clean” (I’m fresh from the shower, after all) he starts a little happy-dance jig that turns into a suave stiff-limbed stripper routine, complete with moue-faced unbuttoning of his flannel and twirling overhead of sartorial items one by one (woops! that sleeve just got caught on the ceiling fan blade…) as they come off.
Scene /TWO/
He’s managed to remove most of his clothing at this point, has likewise (miraculously!) managed not to bruise me with his knees in his awkward climbing-onto-the-bed-and-over-my-body maneuvers, and is now settled with his face between my thighs, lapping gently at my Clean V’gina® folds.
I’m a bit twitchy at this point, honestly. Tense. A little anxious. Because while I *want* this to work… Well, we don’t always get what we want, m’kay? And though it doesn’t feel bad, it also doesn’t _quite_ feel good (because, menopause and all that shite), and I don’t want him to stop exactly, but…
So there I am, trying to determine just what it is that I *do* want…
…when the cat pounces on my husband’s upturned arse.
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