Where there’s smoke…

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The man cannot be trusted.

I love him to death, so I hate to have to say such a not-fabulous thing about him.

But it’s true.

He cannot be trusted.


Whatsapp conversation about smoke pouring out of the oven

He is notorious – NOTORIOUS, I tell you – for being a walking disaster where All Things Kitchen are concerned.

To the point where he’s not allowed to cook / bake / pop popcorn / boil water, etc. without supervision.  (Or at least without, y’know, me being within grab-the-fire-extinguisher distance.)

A not-uncommon exchange in our household goes a bit like this:

Him:  (poking his head out from wherever he’s holed up) What’s that smell?
Me: Burning.
Him: What’s burning?
Me: You walked away from your cooking project. Open flame, Smotchy. Not a good thing.
Him: (ambling back to the kitchen) Well, it only boiled over** a little.
Me: (muttering) One of these days you’re going to burn my kitchen down.

**Replace “boiled over” with “exploded” or “melted” or “burned”
or some other variation on the theme of ruination,
and you’ll get a clearer picture.

Or, alternatively (when things are a bit more flammably dire):

Me:  SMOTCHY!!!!!!!!!!
Him: (entering the room after a confused pause) Uh?
Me: You’re burning my kitchen down!
Him: Oh. Yeah… I was __________ (insert cooking whatever-ness, here), but I got distracted.***

***Certain types of distractions are allowable.
Others, not so much.

So the whole Potential-Death By Kitchen Fire thing is a common theme in our relationship.



This was ridiculous.

Like, smoke-pouring-out-of-the-oven, all-fans-on-high, all-windows-open, waving-smoke-away-with-a-towel kind of ridiculous.

And he wasn’t even at home!  He tried to burn my kitchen down from afar!

Whatsapp conversation after smoke cleared from oven fire

So yeah.

The man?

Can’t. Be. Trusted.



Some people will tell you, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

But in my world, where there’s smoke?  There’s Smotch.

Which is not at all like “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

That’s more my thing.

(Which is why the cookies got made, regardless of the absentee attempted assassination by oven.)



home-made chocolate chip cookies



What kinds of fires are YOU starting this weekend, hmmm?

12 thoughts on “Where there’s smoke…

  1. fondles

    LOL they do look good tho. Right now i’m thinking i would be totally stressed out if my oven started smoking like that. I hate it when people mess with my stuff. And don’t clean up after. grrrr.

    glad you still managed to get some cookies in the end.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I just now got some cookies in(to) the mouth end. 😉 Very tasty. 😀

      In all fairness, my hubby does the majority of the cleaning in our house; he cleans up MY messes all the time, so it’s not really fair of me to be upset about him forgetting to clean up his own mess this once.

      But stressed? Yes, you could say I was a little stressed! 😱


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