Very, Very BAD

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I am skilled at any number of things.

In fact, the more things you throw at me, the better skilled I become at juggling them.

But when it comes to relaxation… That – especially in response to managing the constant onslaught of challenges that have arisen over the course of this past year – is NOT something at which I am skilled. Quite the opposite, in fact.

In other words: Relaxation, as skills go, is one at which I am very, Very BAD.


I have the next four days off.

Completely free.

Nothing and no-one demanding my focus, time, and attention but myself.

So I’m thinking I’m going to put that very-Very-BAD-ness to better use in the coming {heh} days. 😉

And in doing so, I’m hoping

~ possibly, maybe, perhaps ~


nude woman reclined with arms spread, relaxing on edge of bed

Join me?

15 thoughts on “Very, Very BAD

  1. Jz

    I shall give you lessons – I excel at relaxing.
    What I suck at is determining when relaxation is actually appropriate! ;-p
    But everyone agrees that this coming week is an okay time to relax, so I plan to go to town with it!

    Merry Christmas, woman!

  2. fondles

    May you have a relaxing Christmas and some quality “rejuvenating” time. I myself have been practising a 12 minute bedtime yoga routine to help me quieten down and sleep more restfully – it has been most helpful.

    So yes, I will be continuing to do that especially in the coming days of hectic rushing, and yes, I will join u in making time to relax.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I should probably try something like that. Stress, combined with all the ‘sit’ time required for my job, has my muscles strung taut. Stretching of any kind would be wonderful.

      I hope your hectic days are not *too* hectic. Have a lovely holiday.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I slept for hours. Went to bed early, slept in, took naps… I think my body was like, “Hey, you finally listened to me!” My time off flew by but I got some (obviously much-needed) uninterrupted rest, which was WONDERFUL.

      And thank you, re: the piccy. I was pleased with how it turned out. 😊


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