The Name Game

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scarlet red car - named Scarlett

^This is Scarlett.^

She is somewhat heavy-bodied, but quite roomy. She gets great gas mileage and is _just_ sporty enough for the likes of me.

I’m still getting used to her, having only been her driver for a little over three months now.

However, one thing that took me zero time whatsoever to get used to was her name.

‘Scarlett’ was quite a natural fit for her sassy belle-ness, particularly since she is painted – as per the manufacturer’s description/definition – Scarlet Red.

So: Scarlett.

My husband, who is now driving our SUV as his get-around vehicle, was wondering aloud the other day what he should call ‘his’ car. (Up til now, ‘his’ car has been ‘my’ car, and has just been ‘the Escape’.)

I suggested he name it Rhett.

Which, due to the fact that my spouse is relatively clueless about all at least a gazillion pop culture references (how this happened, I have no idea), brought about a response of Massive Befuddlement.

“Get it?” I asked. “Rhett Butler?

Nope. He did not get it.

“Well… I was thinking maybe… Beast?” he offered.

Hmmm… While Scarlett *is* a Beauty, I’m afraid my tastes – literary and cinematic – do not quite run along those lines.


Old Hollywood is sort of my schtick. And there is a Cary Grant movie** we both like that came immediately to mind.

“How about Filthy Beast?” I countered.

And it stuck. 😉

Filthy Filthy Bo-Bilthy…

The September Song Project copyright

**The lyrics of the song that plays during the opening credits of that particular production are what prompted the caption for one of my summer Sinful Sunday photos, which just _might_ be an example of the genus of planted thought-seeds that eventually germinated into this Music As Muse September Song Project.

To learn more about the project, or to see who else is playing along, click the badge above. And if you are participating but have not yet received a visit from me, it means I don’t have your link. Please leave me one! 🙂

8 thoughts on “The Name Game

  1. Jz

    I usually name my cars, too, but the last one refuses to cooperate, so it remains anonymous.

    I made the mistake of teaching the Name Game to SP (being non-‘Murkin, he did not grow up knowing it by osmosis) and I now have the most ridiculous nickname as a result. Thirty-five years later, I’m *still* kicking myself for that one!
    Jz recently posted…Spock and The Dropping PennyMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      HA! Yes, some of those Name Game permutations would make for quite ridiculous nicknames — I can picture it. 🙂

      I generally only name my cars if they name themselves (if that makes any sense). Growing up, I remember my mom naming her vehicles. The one that sticks most in my memory – probably because my legs so often would stick to the leather seats – is “The Blue Bomb.” 😛

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