Windows To Other Worlds
If you are anything like me,* you are happiest when your hands are holding a book. And while book-reading is only enjoyable for me in real-book form (bound and covered, ink on pulp), I find that blog-reading for me (the for me is key; we all have our preferences and foibles — this post is strictly about mine, and is not intended as a judgment about yours, whatever they may be) is most enjoyable when it has that same feel. Not the same ‘feel’ literally/texturally (obviously blogs are available in electronic – rather than paper – form), but rather that “Ohhh… Well, that’s interesting” let-me-absorb-myself-in-your-story feel.
*yes, yes, I know — you are a varie speshul snowflayk and are nothing like me 😉
So with that in mind, I’d like to take a moment to highlight a few blog/gers who do exactly that: they invite you into their story.
These are the blog/gers who, because of their ability to open a window into their world{s}, I will be watching most closely in 2020.
NOTE: While not all of these blogs are sex-focused, they *do* all write in some way about sex, sexual identity, sexual politics, and/or how those things affect their relationships.
10 Blogs I’ll Be Watching In 2020
The First Five
Ferns at Domme Chronicles: When I made my end-of-2018 TL;DR list of 10 favorite blogs (based on the annual Top Sex Bloggers ranked list put out by Molly Moore every year), I mentioned Ferns first. Basically, I put Ferns at the top a year ago, and she remains there for good reason. As a female who is introverted to the max and has basically zero ‘sub’ tendencies, Ferns is the most relate-able, accessible, real writer I’ve found online whose kinks bend in similar ways to my own. I appreciate her honesty, her “Yeah, that happened” -ness, her good-natured self-awareness, and her FemDom wisdom. She has a podcast (which is always transcripted, for those of us who prefer reading to listening) in addition to her blog and has published several books. If you have any interest whatsoever in FemDom (on either side of the slash), go. READ HER.
Nora (and Frank) at A Loving D/s Life: This blog, written primarily by Nora about her M/f relationship with her spouse, is filled with humor and heart and real life in all its pain and beauty and difficulty and ridiculousness. They’ve dealt with their share of health problems, which I can relate to, and they deal with the ebb and flow of life and sex as it comes. Read: A rule isn’t a rule unless… and you’ll see what I mean. 😉
Deviant Succubus (Devie) at… wait for it… Deviant Succubus: I don’t know why it amuses me so much to say those syllables twice in a row, but it does. 🙂 DeviantSuccubusatDeviantSuccubus! It sounds like a naughty version of Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickled Peppers. Or something. Anywhoo… Devie writes about sex, submission, and mental health in a way that is engaging and educational and she posts sexy photos regularly. Her erotica is always entertaining and her honest vulnerability makes her writing approachable no matter what the topic. She has expressed her concern that blogging about mental health will somehow take away from her image as a sex blogger; I personally think that the two types of writing work together quite well in tandem, but if you’d like a place to start with one or the other, I’d recommend My Mental Illness — 2019 Reflection for the former or Nasty Snow Angel for the latter. 🙂
Not So Sex In The City (NSSITC) at… again with the blog and blogger being of the same name… Not So Sex In The City: I used to follow this blog, and then she stopped writing, and now she’s kind of(?) back at it… So consider that a disclaimer of sorts in terms of frequency-of-posting. NSSITC writes about her sex (or, currently, her lack-of-sex) life, primarily as concerns her current relationship but also in snippets about love{r}s long gone. The post that hit me in the feels most recently – about sex, desire, and the lack thereof – was And So I Write.
Innocent Loverboy (ILB) at… aaaaannnd once again with the name/name… Innocent Loverboy: What can I say about ILB? Uhmmm… The label is appropriate? Or no, I know: Does What It Says On The Tin. 🙂 Yes, that’ll do. ILB writes about Shakespeare and non-romance and masturbation and navigating the modern world in an endearing, self-deprecating way that I admire. And he has a sense of humor to boot. 🙂 Miss Nomer is a good starting point if you’re unfamiliar with his style; this post has has a little bit of all of it.
Three That Really Work For Me
(posts are rare but good)
Selkie at Daughter of the Sea: She hasn’t posted in a long time (several months) and her posts are few and far between, but so SO worth the read. Beautiful. Relate-able. Imperfect. Real.
halitentwo at kaleidoscope life: Hali posts (occasionally) about work, family, community, politics, personhood, priorities, navigating acceptance, and the expectations placed on all of us, from a (F to M) trans perspective.
Dar at An Exacting Life: Dar manages to make everyday things like commuting, household finances, and travel planning into fascinating topics for discussion. In addition to blogging about organization and quantification (on a once-a-month schedule or thereabouts), she also writes candidly – and with the informed consent of her offspring – about her experiences as a parent to an adult trans child.
Two More To Make A To-Do About
Tell Me About… A D/s Writing Prompt: This was a new prompt in 2019, and I appreciate it for its bi-weekly writing inspiration and its focus on encouraging writers to share their real-life experiences.
The Menopause Diaries: Marie Rebelle runs this prompt-less meme – sub-categorized under her Wicked Wednesday page – as a form of encouraging women who are experiencing menopause and spreading awareness about its realities.
I’m linking this post to Wicked Wednesday for this week’s prompt of ‘New Year’ because reading is one of my favorite pastimes and I’ll be doing quite a lot of it – particularly where these blogs are concerned – in the new year.
To see a comprehensive, ranked list of (explicitly, specifically) Sex Bloggers that might interest you in the new year, please see Molly Moore’s Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2019.
Thank you for highlighting Tell Me About, there are lots of prompts coming up that I hope you will participate in? You have highlighted some fab blogs that I enjoy personally too, Happy New Year Feve,
Sweetgirl x
It’s nice to have a prompt that is focused entirely on real-life experiences. Especially where aspects of D/s are concerned.
Happy New Year! 🎆
Thank you for mentioning The Menopause Diaries, a meme I should highlight a lot more actually! A great list here 🙂
Rebel xox
With my own bodily changes having such an impact on my sex life this past year, it’s a meme I especially appreciate.
Ageing is something we often avoid talking about, especially where sex/uality is concerned. I, however, am not about to keep quiet. 😉
Thank you so very much for having me on your list, I feel honoured! If you try saying my name three times, I might just appear right next to you, Beetlejuice-style, haha. I really appreciate your kind words <3
Hahaha! Good tip — I’ll remember that. 😉
Just want you to know that I said DeviantSuccubus three times in a row but no one appeared next to me! (Pouts). But at least I tried! Some cool blogs here Mrs Fever. I’m not good with memes, but I do have familiarity with the first one mentioned. And I should likely write something for the menopausal meme—as I am married to my beautiful Queen who is going through the process. Specifically from a male perspective! Maybe someday.
Collaredmichael recently posted…Slowly We Return to Normal
You definitely should — or ask her to write something. It’s just a part of life, but it’s a part that gets shushed much too often. So yes, definitely “speak up”! 🙂
She has indicated that she isn’t at all interested in blogging. I’m just happy she is ok with me doing so.
many of these are new to me, thank-you & Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Thank you for including the Tell Me About prompt! There are so many real life stories and information people can share to benefit others!
Thnak you again!
Real-life stories are so SO important. I’m so glad you and Missy started that meme, and I’ve enjoyed seeing it grow and thrive throughout the past year.
Gave me a few more to add to my reading list! Thanks!
Hi Ms F … I’m slowly emerging from the Christmas season pile on. Today I took a peek at my virtual stack of outstanding email and blog posts to be read and found this post … I want to say thank you for the shoutout! … however, I have to admit I also had a bit of a ‘yikes’ moment, perhaps because the bar of expectations just got raised … lol! … Happy New Year to you and Mr F … nj … xx
Nora recently posted…A rule isn’t a rule unless …
Eh. Bar, schmar. 😉
Happy New Year!
Totally agree about Ferns, she is one of my top reads too and I keep meaning to join in with the Tell Me About meme… Maybe January Jumpstart will get me going on that one
Happy New Year to you lovely
Thank you, and happy new year to you!
Absolutely with you about selkie!
Jz recently posted…A Holiday Visit From SP
I just fall in love every time I read her words. ❤
Great blogs noted here! Thanks for your review of them all!
They are my current Must-Reads. I hope others will enjoy them as well as I do.
Thank you so much for the call out and the lovely words. And for some blogs I’ve not read: Yay for new-to-me bloggers :)).
Ferns recently posted…Femdom blogger EOY message
You are most welcome. Thank you for doing what you do; I look forward to what 2020 brings.
Happy New Year!
Read On ! 😀
With pleasure. 😉
JZ sent me this and I am so flattered… thank you so much for your kind words. The Muse has been in abeyance for some time but I am feeling stirrings. Seeing that my words are liked certainly provides incentive. Thank you ….
You are most welcome.
I will look forward to your words, in whatever form they take, whenever they decide to come.