Because I’ve been feeling INSPIRED…

I have an idea for a writing project.

So during the month of April — as well as before that, but April was the impetus because of the A-to-Z Challenge — I found myself reading posts by fellow bloggers and going:

  • nodnodnod, or
  • I think I could create something like that, or
  • What a great idea!, or
  • That reminds me of… or even
  • I absolutely do.NOT understand this! *laugh*

And as a result, have accumulated a mile-long list of things that zapped my ‘thinking’ juices to life.

Sometimes it’s not obviously related. Like, one blogger wrote a post that talked about eyes, and I was reminded of someone I knew as a kid who had two different colored eyes. That person went on to marry the brother of one of my good friends (though they subsequently divorced) and just thinking about that got my mind thinking of how/why I knew that person as a kid, which got me thinking about sports and coaching and generally-athletic-though-not-always things, which led me to thinking about attitudes around competition and all the mixed messages I have had to sort through related to that concept throughout my life.

: deep breath :


So… Not always an obvious connection, right? But still: something somebody else did/said/wrote got me thinking in that direction. And if I write about it, it’s because of that inspiration.

Make sense?

Enter: Writing Project

I think I’m going to call this Inspirations.

Would you like to join me?

Your inspiration can come from anywhere — a person, an event, the great outdoors, a photograph you took, a piece of art you saw, a performance you attended, a writer you admire, a blog post you read, etc.

Your response to said inspiration can come in any form — a photograph, a poem, a long-form piece of writing, a personal essay, a short work of fiction, a collage, an educational post, etc.

Basically, if you – like me – have ever felt inspired to write something because of __________: WRITE YOUR INSPIRATIONS!

That’s it. 🙂

I will flesh out the details and create a badge-y thingy and whatnot. But for now: That’s my idea.

What do you think?

15 thoughts on “Because I’ve been feeling INSPIRED…

  1. fondles

    (Aside)… Does she ever stop? Press the pause button? Talk about energy!

    I”ll sit this one out. But it’ll be fun to come here and read what you’re writing.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Ha! Well, I *do* stop — sometimes for several weeks at a time — unless I am onto something that keeps me going. So… For right now, I’ll just keep going. *laugh*

  2. selkiem

    My daughter gave me a jarful of “writing prompts” – with which I’ve done nothing -but may give this a shot!

  3. windy

    YES! I love that you were inspired during the ABC challenge. I have not been in blog land much since I hit the Publish button for the letter Z. Laughing. I needed a break. That was a good thing for me, but it was also kind of intense. And also life gets in the way.

    Yes, I want to join you!


    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I totally get it! *grin*

      I will post up a more official “this is the project” post tomorrow, I think. And I will run it between May 15 and June 30 so there will be plenty of time. (And no alphabeting required! Lol.)

  4. Mary Wood

    I am glad that you have inspiration, because this means the emergence of new posts and articles that can be read with interest. After all, a writer without inspiration is not a writer, but a reader or a scribbler.


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