Rocks and Hard Places

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Hey y’all. It’s been a minute.

Things have been… happening(?)… here; when it rains, it pours. The whole “let’s go to the emergency room” thing with my husband turned into some follow-up stuff, not all of which is finished yet, but the general gist is: he needs to eat better and exercise more. Considering how much we’ve been through with his health and how active he tends to be despite all those challenges, this came as somewhat of a surprise. He does like his junk food, but a couch potato he is NOT.

So, okay.

: shrug :

Exercising where we live is reasonably do-able in the summer(ish) months, but this time of year it sorta sucks. Taking walks and going for hikes does not exactly appeal when the typical weather is “downpour du jour, with 70 mph winds for dessert.”

(We had major wind and rain in mid-November, which knocked out our power and severely cut my ability to work — which totally sucks because it strains our budget big time when those checks-I-couldn’t-work-for would have been coming in [read: NOW] — but we were fortunate. A lot of people in our area lost a lot more than just income during the storms so far, and the worst is yet to come.)

It is a *bit* easier to exercise in hike/walk fashion when the weather is gorgeous, however. Which is was last week in Arizona.

So remember that whole “We’re going on a cruise to Hawaii!” thing that turned out — three days prior to departure — to be cancelled due to the shut-down of the world at the beginning of COVID? Well, we never got our money back from the airline. What we got was the ability to reassign our flight to a different location (basically a flight credit but they didn’t call it that at the time). Those re-assigned tickets? We’ve been trying to use them for over a year! But due to continual personal setbacks and non-stop, ever-changing governmental restrictions on travel, we’ve not been able to. Until now.

Thus, Arizona.


It was not a good time to go, financially speaking.


It was a matter of “use your tickets or lose your tickets” (the tickets had to be used by the end of 2021) and since I didn’t really feel like handing the airline $700 and getting NOTHING in return (they wouldn’t refund, remember), we went.

And we saw beautiful things.

Like sunshine. And shale. And red rock faces and snow dustings in high places (over 7,000 feet above sea level!).

I sat by the pool. In December!

And every single day, we exercised. Walks, strolls, hikes, climbs, meanderings, explorations.

Mostly of rocks. And other hard places.

Which made it feel quite fitting, all things considered.


We’re back now. Rested, somewhat. Broke. But doing okay.

Oh–!!! AND, we had sex on our trip.

Like, actual penetrative ‘regular’ sex.

: laugh :

Speaking of hard places. 😉


How have YOU been, hmmm? Please leave me a comment and tell me how things have been rocking (or hard-place-ing) in your world. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to while I’ve been gone from this space.

8 thoughts on “Rocks and Hard Places

  1. fondles

    It sounds like you had a great time vacationing. And by the pool in December! hahah i’m sure that was great.

    I do have to say, when the weather here gets bad, i turn to youtube videos for stretching (if aerobics isn’t his thing) at least, so that the body is kept moving despite frigid cold winds. BIKSS does like push ups and sit ups and whatever calisthenics he can think up.

    But , things are pretty much the same over in my corner. Mum isn’t great, the delirium comes and goes, her sleep patterns are mad. We have an appt with the geriatrician this friday – we brought it forward cos no one is getting any sleep in my house.

    Same old same old. Glad to see you here today.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I’m sorry to hear that things with mum are still so difficult. Sleep is so important, and when it’s not happening it throws EVERYTHING off! I hope the geriatrician has some helpful options for you.

      Yes, the pool! I didn’t go in, but just being in warm enough weather to sit in the sun out there was so SO lovely. The whole week of sunshine was lovely, really. It was a nice break from the incessant cold rain — I got more vitamin D in one week than I usually get all year!

  2. kdaddy23

    I had wondered why I hadn’t seen anything from you lately! Glad you and the hubs could get away, catch some rays, and get some exercise in – welcome back.

    In your absence, it’s been business as usual for me so you haven’t missed anything (but you might have some reading to catch up on).

  3. KDPierre

    It’s great to see you posting. I missed you. (Really, no schmooze)

    Rosa is a firm believer in traveling when possible and letting the finances work themselves out in their own good time. She says that if we wait for a ‘perfect time’ financially, we would have never gone anywhere….and we’ve always managed afterwards one way or another.

    As for me? Nope…….you ain’t gettin’ off THAT easily! LOL The answer to that question…and more…..can be found at my blog ….from which you have been (until quite recently) conspicuously and understandably absent.

    (Arizona is on my bucket list)
    KDPierre recently posted…Birthday Spanks!!!My Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I saw you got a birthday spanking. *grin*

      Arizona was really *just* what we needed. The sunshine more than anything, but also just a time away to decompress. I will post some photos later this week.


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