What are you wearing?
The question, “What are you wearing?” always makes me giggle. It has a 1990s 900-number air of ridiculousness about it somehow. I used to ask one of my male friends that question as a joke and would get answers like, “shoes without socks” or “blue and gray” or “cologne.” *laugh*
A n y w a y
Your question today (should you choose to answer it) is: What are you wearing?
As for What am *I* wearing?
I wear, as a general rule, jeans and something comfy up top. Sweaters feature heavily in my wardrobe, as do sweatshirts and T-shirts. If I’m not wearing jeans, I’m probably in leggings — again with a sweater (or possibly a dress) — and if it is summer time, I’m probably in a dress.
And when I say ‘dress’, I do not mean ‘frilly frothy thing’. I also do not mean ‘item that must be ironed’. *laugh*
Nope. No thanks.
My dresses are varying weights and sleeve lengths but are mostly knit numbers that pull on over my head and are easy to launder. (Like so.)
And underneath, I am wearing comfortable.
I shared recently about my successful bra-shopping expedition. One of my finds that day was this Bali wireless number:

I love it.
No, let me emphasize: I love it. *laugh*
One of the things I’ve discovered with my menopausally-shrunken breast size is that it is difficult to find A-cup bras that work on adult (as opposed to pubescent) bodies. I’ve also found it next to impossible to find anything resembling “full coverage.”
But this bra gives me the coverage I like in the feel-comfy breathable fabric of a sports bra with the convenience of hook-and-eye closures in the back. It’s like an easy-on gentle hug for my chest and I love it.
Did I mention I love it?
I love it!
So much so, that I ordered another one, which should be arriving this week. 🙂
That’s what I’m wearing.
How about you?
Now the weather is cooling down I am in my favourite clothes. Jeans or comfy long pants ( don’t know what you call women’s trousers in USA but when I said “pants” in England my class dissolved into hysterical giggles.) Long sleeved top, fleece and lace up walking shoes with socks. I don’t wear fleeces when I go out so change that for a short coat or jacket and sometimes put on short boots. I’m about to go shopping for some below knee boots so I can wear skirts in the winter without freezing.
Yes, comfy pants makes perfect sense in American English. I, too, have given a few Brits the giggles by using that word. 😉
I love comfy, cozy clothes. So fleece is definitely one of my “things.” I tend to lounge in it more than wear it out and about, but it’s a good layering piece so I often have one on in autumn.
And hooray for boots! 🙂
Summer here so am in comfort tees or cotton dresses. And mostly at home so in pyjamas all the while😜
Dropping by from a to z “The Pensive”
Pajamas are my favorite kind of clothes! 🙂
I can never have a clothing discussion without thinking about Gilda Radner’s remark: “I make most of my fashion decision based on what doesn’t itch.” Amen to that! I’m mostly a jeans/leggings/lantern-y pants kind of person with long sleeve tops. I seem to be having trouble regulating my body temp and I tend toward cold, so I like to have sleeves I can push down or up depending on my body’s unpredictable mood in any given moment. I’m definitely a jewelry and scent person, so those are always givens. And I definitely prefer no shoes whenever possible. BTW, congrats on the successful bra shopping mission – a feat well worth celebrating in my book.
I love that quote!
Like you, I go for comfort and tend toward cold. Layers are a key piece of the clothing puzzle for me; I wear them year-round.
Oh my did you catch me at a bad time for this one! Right now I look terrible in an old flannel over a pair of overalls that are so old and worn, they are literally falling apart at the knees. I have a new pair in the closet but wanted to squeeze the last bit of usefulness out of these and to be honest, I think their time has come. I am a project-by-day person and overalls are my go-to favorite for sturdy practicality.
(I will say in my defense that I do clean up nicely enough when it’s time to entertain or go out. ;-))
Overalls/coveralls are so useful for projects! Especially dirty or messy ones outdoors. I should probably get a pair.
My go-to for projects is old leggings or jogging pants with old/torn/faded-no-longer-presentable T-shirts. They will be coming out soon, as it’s time to do the annual yard overhaul.
Well, since you asked, I’m currently wearing my black onesie with footies that doesn’t have the hoodie. I don’t get dressed unless I have to go out or, like the other day, someone pays a visit. I’ve gotten some funny looks when we order out, the driver shows with our order… and I answer the door wearing a onesie and especially the ones where having the hood on my head makes me look like the emperor from Star Wars.
Ha! Yes, I can picture that. Where do you hide your light saber? 😂
“it is difficult to find A-cup bras that work on adult (as opposed to pubescent) bodies.” This hasn’t long been rectified in the lingerie houses of the world. It took me 36 years to find a bra that fit and that I felt womanly in. Yours is LOVELY (had to be shouty caps rather than bold text, sorry) I’m so pleased you’ve found your style.
Thanks! I’m pretty stoked about it. 🙂
Looks quite comfortable. Probably many women now prefer to wear comfortable and practical clothes. Especially those who can afford it without bothering with an intrusive dress code.