Windows To Other Worlds
If you are anything like me,* you are happiest when your hands are holding a book. And while book-reading is only enjoyable for me in real-book form (bound and covered, ink on pulp), I find that blog-reading for me (the for me is key; we all have our preferences and foibles — this post is strictly about mine, and is not intended as a judgment about yours, whatever they may be) is most enjoyable when it has that same feel. Not the same ‘feel’ literally/texturally (obviously blogs are available in electronic – rather than paper – form), but rather that “Ohhh… Well, that’s interesting” let-me-absorb-myself-in-your-story feel.
*yes, yes, I know — you are a varie speshul snowflayk and are nothing like me 😉
So with that in mind, I’d like to take a moment to highlight a few blog/gers who do exactly that: they invite you into their story.
These are the blog/gers who, because of their ability to open a window into their world{s}, I will be watching most closely in 2020.
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