the rhythm is just write…

So remember that project idea I was trying to flesh out a little while ago?
I’m going to take the month of September to try to get back into the rhythm (get it? 😛 ) of writing regularly again, and I’ll be using music as my muse. If you want to play along with me, please read the following:
What It Is: a music-inspired writing/posting project
How It Will Work: use a song title, lyric, style/genre, or any other aspect of music (instruments, dynamics, bands, types of timing, period ~ a la Baroque, New Age, Classical, etc.) as your inspiration to create
Date Of Project: September 1-30, 2019
Posting Schedule: whatever works for you within the dates given ~ post as little or as often as you choose
Allowed Topics: anything you want to write about!
Rules: link back to this page somehow (you’re welcome to use my little badge-y thingy but it’s not required) in the body of your post and/or leave me a link to your post(s) in the comments section below so we can all find one another
And that’s it!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
I’ll seeee yooouuuuu… in Septemmmbeeer…

Seems a wonderful idea. And the fact that I only have to do it once or can do it as often as I wish—well that’s just perfect.
Collaredmichael recently posted…Celibacy versus Chastity—Is There a Difference? Well For Me—Most Definitely!!
Very Cool concept , Feve — I’m in ! 🙂
This is so great! I’m excited to participate!
Oh, yay! I’m glad you’ll be joining in. 🙂
oh Yes! Count me in too! This is exactly what i need. I am preparing a song cycle called “The chakras: Ode to a room full of Tibetan Singing Bowls. (It’s all about resonances)…and as you may have noticed, I am writing words again too.
This involves taking for granted that my brain (or heart) won’t explode, etc…’cause that’s been a bad habit of mine lately.
I’m so glad you’re feeling up to writing again. 🙂
I think this is a project I can get on board with! I’ll be joining in, particularly delighted it is not too regimented.
Thanks Mrs Fever.
Lovely! I’ll look forward to your posts. 🙂 Post 1 (think the first time I posted it, I missed a bit!)
Posy Churchgate recently posted…… My Favourite Waste of Time
I tried to leave you a comment on your post, but it seems to keep timing out on me. So I’ll tell you here: I like it! 🙂 Especially your description of tightening/constriction around your waist — very relate-able!
Thank you Mrs Fever – yep what a day for WordPress to have problems. I cant even access my site, but I am delighted you approved of my post (and how I spend my spare time!). I’m very inspired by your theme so there is more to come!
My second submission on the September Song Project:
The lyrics inspired me, and soon I found myself imagining a pop star/ groupie dynamic.
My site has experienced troubles, so have had to create the 2nd post again, here’s the new link
My third post for your meme is also for #f4tF Angie Baby
I notice others (more tech-y than me are giving one link for all posts, so as mine will all be grouped in one category I’ll do that too.
I’m so enjoying the theme of this! Music is so often my inspiration for writing and creating images.
Any way it works for you to link is fine with me!
And I agree — music often works for me when nothing else does. 🙂
Oh yay! This sounds like a lot of fun!
I’m hoping so! 🙂
Oooh! I do love a project to participate in! So I am on board! How exciting! x
Awesome. 😎
I’ll start tomorrow and combine it with my SS post 🙂
I will keep my eye out for it. Thanks for joining in. 🙂
I’ll post here in this category 🙂
Here’s my category link. Each post will be accessible from here. 😉
Oh, that’s perfect! Thank you for leaving your link. 🙂
Pingback: Sunday Morning Music – Music As Muse | The Müscleheaded Blog
Pingback: ... My Favourite Waste of Time - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Hello Mrs. Fever
I’ve tried to participate in your theme. Let me know if I haven’t done everything you wanted us to do. I’m not always great with links etc., but I think I’ve done it right. I’ll do a few more this month—I actually have another post written and waiting in the wings.
I just visited your blog, but the most recent post I see is from August 30th, and the one before that from August 20th. So… I can’t seem to find it. Would you mind putting your music post link here in the comments for me?
Hmmm. Sure. But I will check. Several people have read this post so I’m not sure why you couldn’t find it
It’s probably my device. It gets ‘stuck’ sometimes, and if I re-visit a blog I’ve been to recently, it will pull up that previous version of the blog’s front page. I will try again in a little while.
Perhaps refresh while you’re at my blog. However when I can access my computer I’ll try and throw up the link!
I did, and I found it. 🙂 Just left you a comment.
And I just replied to you! lol
Hola! What a fabulous project! Stoked to participate! Here’s my category link!
Pingback: [Photography] Need the Crack of a Whip - FlossDoesLife
And so it begins … 🙂 That’s miny category link, so any music-related posts I share this month will go in there. Can’t wait to check out all the other posts inspired by this idea x
Floss recently posted…[Photography] Need the Crack of a Whip
My posts can all be found under the category September Song Project 2019: 🙂
Pingback: -29.08.19_22:45- – dokurtybitz
My posts can be found here:
Well Mrs Fever, if I respond to you here, my latest blog will automatically link here so…
Collaredmichael recently posted…Music as Muse
Mine will be here –
Hello, I’m not sure if this counts or not, it’s not exactly a written piece!
It’s great! 😀
And no worries about it not being long-form writing; the point of this project is just to use music to create, and your post is definitely creative! 🙂
And here’s my second! They’ve also, finally, been badged up too 🙂
I managed to squeeze a final one in!
Hello!!! Here is my first post of the month for this prompt, i hope you enjoy… as i have enjoyed yours.
Pingback: “And we all thought you loved yourself” - Cara Thereon
Pingback: I Got Cat Class and I Got Cat Style ~ Temperature's Rising
I am writing a story, Feve. The song is ‘Hey Nineteen’ by Steely Dan. It is a true story. Nice idea for a prompt.
elliott recently posted…Horny Old Bastard ~ 50-Word Stories
Oh, that’s lovely! I will be over to check it out. 🙂
Pingback: How Did We Get So Dark? - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Pingback: Music As Muse – The Sensual Hereafter | The Müscleheaded Blog
Can I possible update with the badge and tag a few older posts for this project? as I have 2 that are perfect and written around music…
Well, the purpose of this project was to provide the impetus to start writing/creating regularly again. Which means new posts, and specifically ones that are published in the month of September.
So I’m not sure how to answer that, really. I mean, I get it; I have good music-centered past posts too. But they’re not now, y’know?
Perhaps provide a list of excerpts that link back to your older posts? And/or write a continuation/further thoughts/Part 2? That way you’ll be acknowledging those previous creations while still putting forward something new.
Yes – I will link back – perfect! 😉 and i agree about the new writing…
And I am in…..
Took me a few days, but finally getting my first one in!!
Kurvy xx
Pingback: -29.08.19_22:45- | Poet's Corner
I am also participating! Here is the link to my category:
DeviantSuccubus recently posted…Breathe With Me: The Joys of Erotic Breath Play
Pingback: -08.30.19_22:39- | Poet's Corner
Here’s mine, great idea and delighted to join in!
Pingback: Wow! an #SoSS post - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Pingback: In the words of Right Said Fred: ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Golden Brown - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Pingback: -01.09.19_00:57- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: -01.09.19_00:57- – dokurtybitz
I have a guest post on my site from someone who does not have a blog but wanted to join in with this project…
May More recently posted…The Fighter Remains ~ Guest Post
Hello, I have just posted another blog for this meme.
I hope you’re all having as much fun as I am reading and creating posts!
Hi I think my last comment didn’t work. Here is my latest post for the meme..
Here’s my music inspired post too! What a work it was…
Liz BlackX recently posted…Liz BlackX: Music and Writing
Here is another post as part of think prompt…
I hope you like it.
And I did another one
Pingback: Colour It Red … – A Loving D/s Life
Pingback: Those old tomcat feelings I don’t understand
I’ve enjoyed reading so many of these … and finally added one myself!
Pingback: -02.09.19_12:33- – dokurtybitz another from me 😊
Here’s mine, great meme, was fun to join in.
Pingback: -02.09.19_12:33- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: Friday Funny ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: -04.09.19_01:27- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: -04.09.19_01:27- – dokurtybitz
So many brilliant kinks… I mean links 😉😉
Here’s another post link from me –
Pingback: - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Heres another post from me inspired by music …
Pingback: -04.09.19_23:03- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: -04.09.19_23:03- – dokurtybitz
Here’s a tough and emotional one from me. Not so sexy, but very much music-inspired.
Liz BlackX recently posted…Liz BlackX: Music, Suicide and Grief
Me again!
Pingback: -15.09.19_22:56- – dokurtybitz
Pingback: -15.09.19_22:56- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: Music As Muse – September Of My Years | The Müscleheaded Blog
Pingback: Rolling Like Thunder, Under the Covers - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Pingback: -08.09.19_14:38- – dokurtybitz
Pingback: -08.09.19_14:38- | Poet's Corner
The Look!
Pingback: The Name Game ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Bye-Bye Blackbird ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Summer the First Time - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
Pingback: I'm a little bit Country ⋆ You Won't Tame this Sassy Cat
Pingback: -27.09.19_01:15- – dokurtybitz
Pingback: -27.09.19_01:15- | Poet's Corner
Pingback: Just hold me … – A Loving D/s Life
For some reason, your comment field won’t open for me on your blog, so I’m going to reply here and hope you see it!
What you said about Frank interpreting *any* physical touch as being potentially sexual – or having the potential to lead to sex – is, I think, largely an issue of male socialization. I’ve seen that kind of thinking in men of all ages, but I find it especially prevalent in men over 50. It’s like the concepts of touch-as-comfort and touch-as-caring, JUST for the sake of comfort and care, are unfathomable. Like if they aren’t pushing for ‘sex next!’ they think they are doing it wrong. (And/or that if we are not responding with “Yes, sex!” that we are doing it wrong.)
While trauma may compound the issue, I feel like it *is* an issue, in and of itself. It’s cultural, and generational, and I wish I knew how to change it.
Hmmm … not sure why you couldn’t get access to the comment section, Mrs F … maybe because I was in doing an update this morning … a reread found Frank reacting unconsciously vs subconsciously … lol!
Yes, I think you may be right … I wonder if the generational situation for men over 50 might be because their fathers/father figures would likely have been less present and less affectionate with male children (boys don’t cry … be a man, concepts being more prevalent in those days). Although Frank was generous with his affections for his own children (male and female), I remember noticing how it came to an end as the kids got older … interesting to see how future generations fare.
I enjoyed your September project … thank-you! … nj … xx
Nora recently posted…Just hold me …
Hey there! First time contributor! Sorry I’m so late!!
Pingback: Blue Skies ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Somebody's Knockin' ⋆ You Won't Tame this Sassy Cat
Last one from me, thank you so much for running this, I’ve really enjoyed taking part, Kis xx
I responded to you on your blog but my comment didn’t post — not sure if it’s being moderated or if the internet gremlins got it!
You pose an interesting question: Who or what is getting the best of you? For me, I try to make sure it’s never a ‘who or what’ but always just plain WHO.
Thank you for participating this month! I appreciate your tough-subject deconstruction and self-reflection. I wish you and your husband all the best.
Pingback: Wonderful World - Rebel's Notes
Pingback: Thank You For The Music ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: 2019 - Looking Back Over My Shoulder - Posy Churchgate : Pillow Talk
I am gutted that I missed this last year! I love music as inspiration, and this had such an amazing turn out. Will you be doing it again this year?
N x
I haven’t thought that far ahead yet, honestly. I probably will do it again – or something like it – in the fall. Meanwhile, I’m doing a memoir project over the summer. You’re welcome to join in with that if you like — music and memory so often go together — I will be posting the details next week. 🙂
Pingback: ENCORE! -- September Song Project II ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: September Song Project 2021: Third Set ~ Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Here I Go Again: September Song Project 2022 - Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Fo{u}r The Record - September Song Project IV is on! - Temperature's Rising