I’m not sure where to start with this, really.

text and photo from Whatsapp message when my spouse found my vibrator in my bed: Pleasant surprise to see your precious vagina had some action last night or this morning. :)

I mean…

Yes. My precious vagina had some action.


And I totally think it’s adorable that my spouse is all “Woo-hoo!” when he’s futzing around in my room while I’m at work and finds sex toys strewn across the bed.

But it’s also a bit…

: forehead THWAP! :

Because he’s totally like, Ooooh, she had an orgasm which must mean she’s feeling all sexy sexty schmexy and stuff!, when I’m totally not.

I tried to explain to him the… functionality(?)… of my most recent vibrator experiment. I used words first — I was relaxed, I’d just had a bath, it was more a matter of “I think this will be good for me” than “oh boy am I turned on by own bad self,” I pulled out the vibrator because my fingers felt like sandpaper, etc. — and he was still all like, “YOU HAD AN ORGASM! WOOT-WOO!”

(Yes, the enthusiasm was definitely of the ALL-CAPS variety.)

Then I tried using the vibrator on him – on his knuckle, to demonstrate how it worked on my clit – and in my best, most-pragmatic-approach-possible Sex Ed Teacher voice, I explained some more.

And he was like…


And… Yes. Yes, I did.


I haven’t used a vibrator in ages. I’m so… I dunno, un-libido’ed(?)… right now, that it doesn’t often occur to me to masturbate at all unless/until {1} I’m hella tired but too-awake and need to do *something* to lull myself to sleep, or {2} I have a nasty headache and need the kind of endorphin-flood relief that just.does.not.happen with 3000 mg of extra strength Tylenol.

Let alone does it occur to me to use my vibrator.

But one night this week I did exactly that. And it worked.

And later that night, when I woke up to go pee at 2:13 a.m. and wasn’t quite ready to go back to sleep when I crawled back under my covers… It worked again.

And the following night, as an experiment, with zero reasoning behind it, it worked again.

And this is… Well, I guess it’s good, right? I mean, orgasms generally feel pretty good. ๐Ÿ™‚

But it’s also information.

Because menopause is a thing, and my non-interest in sex is A Thing, and the fact that when I *do* feel inclined toward some sexy activity nothing works the way it used to… Well, sometimes that feels like a Really Overwhelming and Unfair Thing.

So I’m trying to figure out how my body works now.

Which, in this instance, meant figuring out how to work my body.

I learned some things, of course. Primarily I learned that my body actually does work. Which was reassuring I guess. But I also learned that it works waaay differently than it used to, and that… Well. That I need a high buzz and not a pulse, a gentle press-and-stay-in-place as opposed to a pressurized rub or swirl, that it’s best to hold the flat edge against the opposite side of my clit than I’m used to. That I need to force my muscles to relax, to breathe slowly, to not _anticipate_ because those familiar clenching responses do not manifest the same way or mean the same thing they once did.

But mostly, I suppose, I learned that I HAD AN ORGASM! WOOT-WOO!


What did you learn this week, hmmm?

11 thoughts on “I’m not sure where to start with this, really.

  1. Brigit Delaney

    I find the juxtaposition of his reaction to your reaction so very similar to those in my own relationship. I have to tell Mr. D when I masturbate (per our rules), but I rarely do it anymore. So when I do, he assumed I’m horny. Which I’m not. Masturbation does not have to be tied to a desire for sex. That might sound odd, and I know my husband doesn’t understand it…but it looks like you do, and that makes me feel better. So thanks. And thanks for making me laugh. You posts are often just damn hilarious.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Well, laughter is always welcome. Life is sometimes just damned funny. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      And YES, dear God, the menz sometimes just cannot seem to understand the “Me No Horny” thing. *laugh*

      (And it’s no good trying to compare it to something like morning wood either. When he realizes he’s hard – even in that bladder-induced, nonsexual way, he instantly *wants* sex. Me? Yeah, that’d be a NOPE.)

  2. Pingback: Slow Fade ~ Temperature's Rising

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