FAIR WARNING: This post discusses bodily functions! If the realities of What Comes Out Of Your Body are abhorrent to you, you might want to click away. ASAP.

The Bloody JOY of Aging
I am getting old, yo.
Like, there is the creaky bones and throw-your-back-out-without-even-trying thing. And there is the soreness and tiredness thing. The Why did all the fat in my body just migrate to my belly? thing and the totally-exhausted-because-I-woke-up-today-and-THAT-was-a-lot-of-work thing are sort of just… always-present givens. And nevermind the hairy chin and wrinkles and swollen feet (!! — the fuck?!) and age spots and all that good stuff.
But there is also the must-always-have-a-bathroom-accessible thing (which sucks, lemmetellya) and the Is my body reacting to the food? The medicine? The sun cycle, the stock market, the speed limit??? WTF?!? thing.
Which has been A ThingTM more than usual lately.
Too. Bloody. Fun.
So at the beginning of last week (end of June), my husband and I traveled to the other side of the mountains for some rest and relaxation.1 And during the time we were on our little mini-vacation, we experienced a little heat wave. And during that little heat wave, I got all kinds of stopped up.
Weirdly, I was eating way more than I normally would (hot weather usually means “stop food” for me, but in this instance I was STARVING and so I fed my face), which meant there was plenty for my body to digest.
And yet, my body was like… Let’s just make a food baby!
And for DAYS (seriously, like four days), my colon decided it was gestating a food spawn and I did not poop.
I was drinking fluids. I was consuming things that should have had me running to the bathroom. (Milkshakes, anyone?)
BUT{T} — Nada.
And when I finally was able to go, it was unpleasant. Not crampy unpleasant. Just… Strainy and clenchy and Jayzus, what am I passing here? A block of cement? kind of unpleasant.
And at some points — then, and ever since; I’m still not rightly sorted in this department — I felt like I was trying to eliminate shards of glass.
And the result of the glass-shard cement-poo: there was blood.
(The bright red kind. Not the scary black kind.)
So I’m like…
Is this hemorrhoids?
Or did I just rip myself a new asshole?
Oh. Fucking. Joy.
And on the flip side (or the underside)…
This week (read: the week that is currently ending), I have been peeing like mad.
I was a little concerned that my rear-end issues were related to dehydration last week so I’ve been pushing fluids — especially water — like a hummingbird stroking out on pollen juice this week. But whereas normally that kind of hydrative activity would regulate the arse end of things and perhaps produce more volume in the urinary department, it doesn’t typically cause me to have to pee with more frequency. It’s just that when I pee, there’s more that comes out. If that makes sense.
But, NOPE.
So I have been running to the bathroom like nine times a day lately.
Plus getting up in the middle of the night to pee.2
Which… You’d think that if I went THAT MUCH during the day — and we’re talking massive volume here — and also emptied my bladder immediately before going to bed, that I should be good for the six hours I tend to sleep.
The night of the fourth (that’s Independence Day in the states for those of you who are not making the connection), I was up every 90 minutes from midnight til 6:00am.
And also with a migraine.
And since I have, in the past, been prone to urinary tract infections, I was starting to worry a little bit. Because this is not normal.
And then after the flood…
…came the blood.
So in total, I’d been dealing with weird bathroom issues for about a week and half when one of my pee trips brought with it an added delight.
At first, I thought maybe my bits were getting a bit irritated, y’know? All that flooding and wiping and whatnot.
But there was no pain associated with it. And the urinary urgency had started to reduce, so I was like…
And then it happened a second time.
That time the blood was not only brownish but also blotchy.
What… The…
Am I having a period?!
Dear God in Heaven, no. Please no.
But apparently…
Or at least a miniature version of ‘yes’.
And y’know…
I’ve been (peri)menopausal for several years now.3 With all my reproductive health issues and considering my family medical history, the fact that I’m experiencing this change-of-life business in my 40s (instead of my 50s or later) is not a surprise.
And, granted, as part of my medication regimen — both for my migraines and for my PCOS regulation — I have been taking hormonal birth control without the placebo for several years. So how much of the non-periods I experience are from the PCOS and how much is from regulation of the PCOS and how much is down to menopause is unclear.
But generally speaking…
When I first went on the birth control as a PCOS-control, I still had periods once in a while (like twice a year) and the deal was: when my body decided on its own that it was going to bleed, I’d come off the pills until it stopped and then go back on them continuously until my lady bits threw a fit again six or eleven months later.
And then that whole ‘once in a while’ thing became ‘once in a great while’ (a year and a half between bleeding episodes) and then a ‘never’ thing.
So the last time I had any kind of period(ish) experience was more than two years ago.
And now this.
And I can see you are thinking, “But doesn’t menopause mean your periods stop?”
The answer: All I can say is that for me — obviously, given the events of this week — it means ‘periods pause’.
And then ‘period randomly resumes’.
Presumably followed by ‘period disappears again’.4
And it sucks.
I’m bleeding (still, as of this writing — three days into this fiasco) lightly, but the fact of the matter is: I’m bleeding. Period.
And lemme tellya: When it’s been years since you’ve worn a tampon and your body does not generally respond well at the moment to any kind of ‘up inside le vag’ activity in general, the whole plugging up the flow thing is super uncomfortable.
And with the other issues I’ve been having over the past couple weeks related to Bodily EliminationsTM, I’m like…
As should be abundantly clear from this post: I am having a bloody fabulous time.
How about you?
1What we actually traveled for was some warm sunshine and a bit of Howdy Do (if you know what I mean), but with the high temp reaching 119 degrees — actual degrees, not ‘feels like’ degrees; the heat index was above that — there was an overabundance of the former and a complete elimination of the latter.
2This part of the program is not all that unusual; I have a bladder the size of a lentil.
3I wrote one of my first experiences with this in 2017.
4I remember my mother having something like this happen. She hadn’t had a period for several years and then one day her body was just like, “Oh that’s right! There’s this whole sloughing-off thing I know how to do!” and WHAM, she was stuck in Periodville for like ten days in her mid-50s. Which… I guess that gives me something to look forward to?
I love your writing style and the way that you manage to bring humour to the horrors of aging and the squickiness of bodily functions. Talking about these issues is so important and can be really helpful for others. I am struggling with the signs of aging too and although my periods remain annoyingly regular and heavy, I keep waiting for the part that manages menstruation to get the memo from the rest of my body which has decided to act it’s age. I feel I am not in sync. I hope tjay things settle for you. It sounds like a really difficult week and disappointing when your plans were in another direction! Missy x
I feel fortunate in some ways to have never been regular nor heavy in my menstrual cycle. And I’ll be very happy when this Whatever-It-Is that’s happening right now is OVER.
Oy. 😱
If you think getting old sucks, just consider the alternative.
My issues are back and joint pain that are near constant. I just live with it. If I wake up and feel twinges of pain I realize that I am alive and didn’t die in my sleep.
(Hey, just curious. I was a bit surprised that you didn’t choose to weigh in on the extinction series I did recently. Perhaps not the more paleontological background, but the more philosophical pondering of the relative importance of humans. I just figured a thinker like you would have had a well-written opinion on that. Or maybe you just didn’t see it?)
KDPierre recently posted…Bells of St. Mary’s
I mostly think aging is a gift.
Even if sometimes it’s of the white elephant variety. 😉
I am not sure I read anything about dinosaurs(?) on your blog… I will have a look.
I have a few things.
1) constipation happens pre-period to a lot of women. maybe that’s why you were blocked up. Also, when it’s hot your body sucks back the liquid in the stool. I’m not kidding. you absorb poop juice back in. leaving hard stools in the bottom part of your tract. so LOTS OF LIQUIDS helps during a cloggy episode. But i know. It sometimes isn’t that easy. i’ve had my fair share of being stuck. you’ve read about it.
2) Magnesium helps with constipation before periods, and in general. Have a look on the web for which versions are better and more bioavailable. I can’t remember now but i take a magnesium glycinate – i think that’s the one that’s less upsetting to the stomach.
3) perimenopausal women tend to be more prone to UTI, something about the thinning of the vaginal walls. So I take a probiotic with the right strains.
“Most of them had encouraging findings for some specific strains of lactobacilli. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 (previously called L. fermentum RC-14) seemed to be the most effective among the studied lactobacilli for the prevention of UTIs.”
With a bit of internet search magic one can quite easily find a blend that contains these two strain. I use the Garden of Life Probiotics for women – no refrigeration needed, so it’s easy to take along when out of town etc.
I’m sure you already know some if not all of this, but I hope it helps.
The reabsorption of colon juice explains a lot. Because I do drink a lot. But YEESH, it was like the Sahara.
I take magnesium regularly, for my headaches and for menopausal symptoms. And at other times I feel it’s been the cause of too-loose stool, so I’m surprised it didn’t help in this instance.
I think you’re right about the pre-period stop-up. I remember you posting about that before, and why it happens.
I’m *almost* normal again, but I’m still bleeding out my crotch. So yay(?), I think. Lol.
A food baby – I will remember to call it that next time I go through it, because yes, I do. So irritating! As for the menstruation thing – there is no way for me to know whether my body is in full menopause or not, simply because of no uterus, and seriously, sometimes I wish I did still bleed, so I can just know whether the periods have really stopped or not. And peeing during nighttime? Every. Night. Not a night goes by that I don’t have to go…
Love the way you write, Feve!
~ Marie xox
I’m typically up once during the night to pee, but *sometimes* I can manage a full six hours without interruption.
The topic, as if not funny, but written in a fun way.
I tend to have a sense of humor about most things in life. 😉
And you do it well.
This made me smile and cringe lol – My daughter is always going on about having a food baby and i agree with a previous comment that perhaps u had pre-mini-period-constapation. I hate to be constipated – it is one thing that makes me anxious – i dont know why – i think i just hate that stuff, food, is inside me for too long – just there – u know…
Anyhow great post
May x
May More recently posted…Alcohol – It’s your round…
I know what you mean. It’s like, “Get outta there already!” *laugh*
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